Musings of a South African Bookworm

sharing my love of books with a special focus on SA literature

And here we are!

on September 14, 2009

Our first online bookclub.

So very exciting!  But how on earth did we get here?

A little while ago Imsonotablogger asked me what I thought of the idea of a Book Club Blog, as she had not been able to find one to join in her area.  We chatted about it, but nothing more was done (as far as I know).

Then last week I posted a review on The Help by Kathryn Stockett. And received a few comments about putting a sidebar thingie up with my Recommended Reads.  Then yesterday I posted about my IRL Bookclub and asked my readers if they would be interested in an On-line Bookclub.

The response was overwhelming.

So here we are.  Thanks largely to The Man for setting this site up.  Neither Imsonotablogger or I are familiar with WordPress but I’m sure we’ll find our way around sooner  rather than later. Otherwise we might drive him mad with our continual requests to change this, do that, make this look pretty.  He has been very patient with us (or me) so far.  Thanks G!

The idea is for people to become ‘members’ of our bookclub.  And take it in turns to review books that they loved reading.  That touched them.  That spoke to them.  That made a difference in their lives.  Be it murder mysteries, real life challenges, religion, romance, chick-lit, faith – whatever.  A book that you think is worthy of a review and that is a great read.  Or a crap read too, so that we don’t waste our hard earned cash.

Others can then give their 5c worth.

We have lots of ideas.  But we’re going to start off slow and simple.

Sound like a plan or what?

If you’re interested in becoming a member, please leave a comment in the comment section or mail timeout or imsonotablogger

Keep your eyes peeled for the first book review coming shortly…

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10 Responses to “And here we are!”

  1. as i read very irratically, and i read murder mysteries and psycological thrillers, i probably don’t qualify. but could i still join in for the social, the skinner and the cake?

  2. Meriel says:

    I’d love to join. The decor is gorgeous, very inviting.

  3. timeout says:

    Thanks M – I love it too!

    Jacki – there will be plenty of cake, skinner and socialising. And we quite like murder mysteries, so consider yourself joined!

  4. Cathy says:

    I love to read… I belong to a Christian bookclub (through church) and would love to crit/comment on some of the books I read… was thinking of doing this on my blog too… till I read about this one… so if you don’t mind mainly Christian romance/mystery reviews from me I would love to be a member.

  5. timeout says:

    Cathy we’d love to have you. If there is anything you’d like to review, please just make use of the Submit Review Tab at the top of the page.

  6. Penny says:

    Please, please can I join! from what I’ve read we share a similar taste in books. My real life bookclub has deteriorated into a lovely lunch out , and a “bookswap”, but no more reviews-which I really miss as you get to know whose taste you share and therefore might like a book they did.

  7. Kirsty says:

    Ok – so I’m doing this back to front! Anyhoo – just read a beautiful book called “The memory keepers daughter” If you’ve not read it, I can do a review on it, kay? x

  8. Lynette says:

    I wanna join…I have no idea of the books out there anymore so I am going to need a lot of inspiration from you girls. I hope there will be some skinder and cake:)

  9. I love books and constantly chat about them on my own blog. But my tastes range more towardsa romance/fantasy/futuristic, with an occassional detective series. e.g. JD Robb, Christine Feehan, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Faye Kellerman, Nora Roberts. Not sure if this is the kind of books you were thinking of.
    P.S. included you blog in the blogs I follow.

  10. Damaria: Yes please, we include all types of books on this blog! So, whatever has tickled your literature fancy of late, feel free to submit a review. we look forward to hearing from you.

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