The Local Lit Scene

celebrating South African Literature beyond our past

The Underachieving Ovary by JT Lawrence




I received a review copy of this book from cupcake mummy(Thanks!) in exchange for an honest review.

I really enjoyed this book, it was raw, honest and real and I enjoyed Lawrence’s writing. She really manages to pull you in to her story without much hardship on her part. The story of her infertility and desire for a child is  heartbreaking until finally after much hardship, she is blessed with pregnancy and new life.

This is not a usual subject for me, as I have never had infertility issues, I have no idea how it must feel to desire a child so much that nothing and no one can stand in your way to conceive. I know of people who have, I have ready some books about it, but it can never make me understand to what extent these feelings can crowd a person out and fill one with despair. I thank Lawrence and Albertyn(So Close) for writing their stories, for sharing the heartache, heartsore and yet heartstrong feelings, and words with us so we can have an inkling as to what they went through in order to conceive.

They are strong women.

Read this, it is pretty compelling. Written in journal format, dark humour and TMI in equal parts,  it requires you to read because you really want to know if they succeed in getting pregnant or not. From the back of the book:

Let me put it this way: If Helen Fielding and Marian Keyes were to go through IVF, and use Caitlin Moran as a surrogate, this book would be their baby.

JT Lawrence is South African and has a good few books out, I do believe I will have track down some more and see if they are as good as this one. Check out her website here.





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Hello, my wonderful readers!

Yes, its been ages and I do blame being internet-less for about a month and then just being slack in getting back into blog land.  And what better way to arrive back than with a Winter Mystery Box Swap.

Seeing as though it is Winter here again in the Southern Hemisphere, and almost half way through the year, can you believe how Quickly this year is flying by?? I thought it was high time to get another Book Swap going on but this one is going to be slightly different to our last one.


1)  The book that you send  must be written by a South African author and preferably one that you enjoyed. (I am loving discovering new SA authors and I’m sure you will too)

2)  Your book swap parcel must contain ONE item that you find crucial to survive your Winter.  It could be a certain type of lip gloss, a specific chocolate or a family soup recipe but must be the ONE thing that you really do feel that you would be at a loss without it in your Winter months. But please keep the spend down to maximum of R100 but remember that you may not even need to spend money for this one.

3)  Books may be gently read, second hand but please ensure not in terrible condition.


1)  You leave a comment in the comment section saying ‘I’m in’,together with your name and email so we can contact you. Your commenting automatically places you as a participant.  The next commenter will then get a bookish gift from the first commenter. It doesn’t matter if there is an odd amount of people taking part because each commenter will receive a book from the previous commenter. The last commenter will send a book gift to the first commenter. Easy Peasy as my daughter says…

2)  This is only for South African residents.

3)  Anyone can participate, you do not need to have a blog, just a postal address and email in order to contact you and let you know the details  of the person you are sending it to.

4)  You must be committed to participating if you leave a comment

5)  The closing date for all comments will be on the 2nd June and you will have two weeks to send your parcel out. All parcels must  be posted by the very latest on the 15th June.

6)  Spread the word and get commenting. Everyone will receive the details of who they need to post to by 12am 3rd June.

And lastly, Have Fun!