The Local Lit Scene

celebrating South African Literature beyond our past

Make a pledge, grow a bookworm!

on November 9, 2009

After reading this post at F2F, my heart felt sore.

What broke my heart was the fact that without assistance these children could grow up without knowing the joy of reading. They could grow up illiterate. They could grow up without knowing how to read or write, the two most basic of human gifts. And who are we to decide their fate?

Something within the post spoke to me, touched a part of my soul and I would love to be able to help these children have a better and brighter future. With knowledge comes skills, with reading comes writing, with books come friends.

As you know I am an avid reader, as I’m sure most of you who read this blog are probably just the same. I have no idea what it would be like to not be able to read. To not be able to devour knowledge within books and to not be able to journey to the distant lands within books, be they fantasy or reality. To not have those friends within the covers of a book. To me reading is as essential as breathing. So much so, that I have already started teaching my daughter to read (she is 19 months old).

So, my aim is to have a ‘BOOKRAISER’ for Bambelela. To raise at least 100 children’s books ages ranging from between 0 -6yrs. In English, Afrikaans and any other African languages. Picture books/story books and board books to tempt the eyes and minds of the little ones. To give just that extra step for a better future for them. Most of the children at Bambelela are babies and under 6, but even the elder ones do not know how to read. Because of this, we need books which will enable them to learn, and to instill a love of reading and learning. Now, I know it is not food or money or clothes that I am attempting to raise, but for me, books are just as important. And I would love your help in doing this.  All you need to do, is pledge a book – one that you own that is no longer as loved at it once was/or a newly bought one/ or a second hand bought one/ or a hand me down , a book is a book is a book!- and then post it to me. Once we have raised 100 books, I will then contact Bambelela to let them know we have managed to raise the 100 books and send them up to them. I will take care of the postage and packaging and ensure that the books arrive in good order. I am aiming to succeed in this venture by mid December so it can be like a Christmas gift for all the little children.

I have not attempted to do any sort of ‘raiser’ before (bar the selling of raffle tickets at school) and if anyone has any suggestions please do not hesitate to tell me,  but I have high hopes and a dream of at least 100 books. I have faith in the goodness of us humans, even amidst all the non goodness which is read/felt/seen daily and I believe that this small act of kindness will go a long way.

If you would like to be part of this ‘BOOKRAISER’, please email us your email address by using the ‘submit review button’ at the top of the page, or use the comment section below, with the title of the book that you are pledging so we don’t get duplicates, and I will get back to you with contact details of where to send the books to. If you are planning on buying a book, you can click on the Kalahari link at the bottom of the page, which makes it that one step easier for you!

Lets do this!

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18 Responses to “Make a pledge, grow a bookworm!”

  1. Fabulous idea, I’ll see what I can do. I’m sure we have books at home I can donate

  2. nicky panton says:

    Lets post this on our The School shop Community Notice Board. I collected 2 huge boxes of books last week and have already donate them. I can do a collection in Cape Town and courier them with our Logistics partner to you.

    Let me know if you would like me to do this. Take a look at the board

  3. Excellent, thank you! Just mail me when you need contact details:-)

  4. That is a wonderful idea, yes, please do. I am in Cape Town, so that would be great. Thank you!

  5. timeout says:

    We can go through the girls books when you are here – sure we can find lots.

    clever girl.

  6. Hi
    I posted a link to this post on the READ SA Facebook page, which has memberhip of about 550 writers, editor and other publishing professionals. Hopefully, some of them will be able to do something.

  7. Thank you, thats wonderful!

  8. cool, thats perfect:-) Thank you

  9. […] is simply a book drive. Robyn runs a book club blog and they want to see if they can raise 100 […]

  10. Laura says:

    I have the postal address where the books must be sent to – its PO BOX 30088, Hammarsdale, 3700. Also there is a post up today on F2F!

  11. Yvette says:

    WOW! This is awesome. I am simply amazed at the hearts of you girls! I have been here for 6 years struggling through it on my own, thinking I was alone in this endeavour and am just totally overwhelmed by your caring. Absolutely speechless. Thank you. Everyone.

  12. Yvette, its such a pleasure, lets hope we get the 100 books!

  13. Yvette says:

    Oh you will…and more. This is incredible! I can barely use a computer. Did not realise there was such a huge world out there….and a caring one at that. God bless you, angel.

  14. […] this post? Our aim is to raise 100 books for Bambelela and so far, we have 69 books! How awesome is that?  […]

  15. Meriel says:

    Sorry we are a bit late getting in on the action but my boys have packed up 10 books. Should we send them to Robs or Yvette ?

  16. Meriel, I sent you an email, did you receive it?

  17. Vinomom says:

    I found your site through Harassed Mom, Laura. I have several childrens books (all in English) that I can send. I found I can do a flat rate envelope for $12.95 Internationally. Since they are children’s books hopefully I can get quite a few in that envelope!

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