Musings of a South African Bookworm

sharing my love of books with a special focus on SA literature

What are you reading this week?

on March 7, 2010

Apologies for lack of posting here, I had decided I needed a little ‘time out’ from the computer. You know when it drains your energy rather than compliments it? Well, that was how it was this past week.  But, here we are, back in the land of the living with lots of reading going on.


I am currently reading my Jasper Fforde book – Shades of Grey but before that I had a spate of other books including:

* finishing the Northern Lights series by Phillip Pullman – I will be putting up a review, but have to honest and say it may take some time as it had a fair amount of stuff in it, which needs to perculate before penning

* We be reading – Sue Gee, a lovely book about two life long friends and their ups and downs in life.  Simple, easy reading.

* Rumour has it – Jill Mansell, another light hearted chick lit book, which I thoroughly enjoyed.

* The Elegance of the hedgehog – Beautiful beautiful book, keep your eyes peeled for the review from a million miles from normal who won the ‘feel the love‘ book for valentines day.

* And the usual  5 books read to my daughter before bed!

We are always looking for reviews, so if you have read something so good or so bad that you want to shout it from the window tops, please send them in! and go on, spill the beans, what are you reading this week?

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8 Responses to “What are you reading this week?”

  1. Nisey says:

    I’m also reading elegance of the hedgehog and really loving it… just wish there was less going on so I could read more often!

    Also working my way through a Jasper Fforde – The Fourth Bear. This is on recommendation from this site and it isn’t my usual but it is certainly quite fun and I’ll try anything once 😉

  2. Oh, I loved The Fourth Bear, its one of my fave’s by him.
    Cant wait to hear what you think.
    Send in a review?

  3. liquid pixel says:

    I’ve got a HUGE pile of books next to my bed which I would love to get into, but am so addicted to writing right now, that all excess time and energy is flowing there!

  4. That is so exciting, that you are writing! Am so looking forward to your next book…

  5. Clive says:

    I’m finishing off The Gay Divorcee this week. I joined that gay book challenge and this is my start of it…

    So far it’s deliciously fluffy…

  6. ooh, that sounds great, I have also only read one book for the challenge, and it was Michael Tolliver lives – Armistead Maupin. Must do a review!

  7. paige says:

    hi. yay, i’m about to start the elegance of the hedgehog that i won here. yay, feel so lucky.

    really looking forward to reading it. will keep you posted on my progress as we go.

    thanks so much for the book – book club blog, you guys rock.

  8. Paige, really look forward to hearing your views on ‘elegance’.

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