The Local Lit Scene

celebrating South African Literature beyond our past

Secret Santa and other book gifts


This is the first time that I have taken part in a holiday swop and it was great! I really enjoyed shopping as a Secret Santa (though the impatience of waiting for my gift to arrive at its destination was a bit much to handle…) and was very excited to see what my Secret Santa would send me, someone I had never met, in a completely different part of the world.

The wait was long, as long as the wait to Christmas in fact, but I arrived home from my holiday of festivities to find a parcel waiting for me. It had arrived from Santa Barbara (and all I really know of Santa Barbara is that it was the name of one of my favourite soapies when I was a teenager) from a blogger called Helen at Helen’s Book Blog.

I received a lovely recipe book called ‘A Slice of Santa Barbara’ California Riviera Cuisine  with a post card of Santa Barbara itself and a lovely pile of children’s book to send to Bambelela. So, that means a pressie for me and pressies for the little ones. How blessed am I?



Thank you Helen, it was a lovely surprise!

(And keep an eye out for a post on the results on the Book Rasier- coming soon, just waiting on some photies- we did good! Check out these photos of the books we raised.)



As for other bookish gifts, I received the book I was hoping for in my stocking: The Angels Game – Carlos Ruiz Zafon


and this delicious looking book called ‘Bake’ (which I have already tried out- or should I say, about to, as have just made one of the tarts for a late lunch, it looks and smells as good as the book cover!)


So, go on, spill the beans, what books did you receive this year?


What books are you wanting to find in your Christmas Stocking?

Im off on holiday for a week, yippeee! And I plan to get some reading done…

Huraki Murakami – Blind Willow, Sleeping Women for The Japanese Literature Challenge 3

Trenton Lee Stewart – The Mysterious Society and the Perilous Journey

are the two books on my To Be Read list. I am hoping to get stuck into my sister and my neices bookshelves too as Im sure the last time I was there, I saw a few books that wanted to be fondled and read by new hands and eyes. One I distinctly remember is Phillip Pullman – Northern Lights and the rest of the series. Lets hope I manage to find the time to read it all.

Here’s hoping that you all manage to get some reading done over the holidays. I would love to know what books you are hoping to find in your Christmas Stocking…

Im hoping for The Angels Game – Carlos Ruiz Zafón

Fingers crossed, Santa hears my wish!