Musings of a South African Bookworm

sharing my love of books with a special focus on SA literature

Deceptively Delicious – Jessica Seinfeld

on November 4, 2009


While visiting a friend of mine the other evening, I was bemoaning the fact that trying to get my daughter to eat fruit and vegetables at the moment, is a mean feat. Its not that she doesn’t eat them, its just that I would like them to feature more prominently in her diet than they are at the moment. Granted, she hasn’t been very well – runny nose does not for a pleasant food tasting experience make – and I know that she will be back to normal as soon as she is well, but still.

So, while chatting, out came this book! I had seen it before, but had never really taken a foray into the covers to see what type of recipes it contained, this time I did. And what a joy. There a recipes for all sorts of delicious sounding foods, brownies, chocolate biscuits and cupcakes, to name just a few of the deserts and they all contain a vegetable of sorts. The vegetables have been pureed and apparently are barely, if at all, noticeable within the food. I like this idea! (Not least because it will get the whole family eating more fruit and veg).

The recipes range from dinners, to snacks, to muffins and puddings, there is even one for a chocolate mousse made with avocado. Very bizarre, but looks oh so yummy.

I decided then and there to buy a copy, and happily it arrived via Kalahari this morning. Come Thursday, I will be trying my hand at being deceptively delicious;-)

Have any of you tried out the recipes?

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One Response to “Deceptively Delicious – Jessica Seinfeld”

  1. timeout says:

    I have seen this but not bought it.

    will you bring it with you?

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