Musings of a South African Bookworm

sharing my love of books with a special focus on SA literature

The Vesuvius Club – Mark Gatiss

on November 2, 2009

vesuvius2I found this book in the library and liked the cover and blurb on the back. I managed to read it in a couple of days as it was a strangely compelling book to read.

It has a sort of magnetic force to it, as it pulls you forward into the story and characters. It is a little bizarre and not for sensitive readers as the style of writing is very straightforward with a no nonsense theme running through it. It is a detective story with a difference,the main character Lucifer Box, is a painter but also His Majesty’s secret agent.So, when prominent scientists begin turning up dead, there is only one man that the country turns to. Lucifer Box.

‘Lucifer Box ruthlessly deduces and seduces his way from his elegant townhouse at Number 9 Downing Street (somebody has to live there), to the seediest stews in Naples, in search of the mighty secret society that may hold the fate of the world in its claw-like hands – The Vesuvius Club.’

I enjoyed this book with its mystery and secrets, it followed on well without too much ‘who, what where and why?’ As I said at the beginning, the style of writing definitely pulls the reader on a  high paced journey. it is a short read at 240 pages and if you are in the mood for a ‘whodunnit’ type of book, then this could very possibly be it.

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