The Local Lit Scene

celebrating South African Literature beyond our past

Books Books Books

on January 11, 2012

So, I have read quite a few book blogs and how they have challenged themselves to read their TBR pile before purchasing new books. I think it is a fantastic idea and so have decided to try and do the same, but only from February as I have some new books and library books which I am itching to read and couldn’t possibly Not read them now!


  1. Anais Nin – Fire( I am a huge fan of her and Henry Millers work, in fact I have a book of letters between the two of them and it is one of my favourites)
  2. Lionel Shriver – We need to talk about Kevin( this was one of my original challenge books to read, and it is still sitting on my book shelf. I did start it, but just couldn’t get past the first few pages.  Mel then raved about it and so it is back on my list again!)
  3. John F Demartini – The heart of Love ( I read  The Breakthrough Experience a few years ago and it had such a positive impact that when I found this one in a second hand book store for next to nothing, I bought it, but alas, still have not read it)
  4. Peter Rushworth – Pinkertons sister (Bought this because I was in a book buying mood and it looked and sounded interesting- I will let you know the verdict once I have read it)
  5. Julian Barnes – Arthur and George( Love the cover and the synopsis, have picked it up many times but haven’t got very far…)
  6. Catherine Clement – Theo’s Odyssey(Have read three quarters of this book, when I went away by myself for a weekend – three years ago- and have just never finished it. It is likened to Sophie’s world but focused on the different religions of the world)
  7. Nick Hornby – Juliet, Naked(have heard rave reviews)
  8. Vikram Seth – A suitable boy ( I read An Equal Music by him, I adored the book and decided to read this too. I have started it countless times but it is completely different to the first one I have read by him. I have restarted it and aim to finish it by the end of Feb!)
  9. George RR Martin – A Game of Thrones ( I watched the series and loved it, so thought I should read the book, read the first page and haven’t tried since…)


  1. Jefferey Euginides – The Marriage Plot(currently reading this, thoroughly enjoying it)
  2. Charlotte Bronte – Jane Eyre(currently reading this, am enjoying but a bit long winded)
  3. Marlon James – the Book of Night Women (currently reading this, it was my gift from the Book Blogger Holiday Swop, thoroughly enjoying it so far – it has been likened to The Help so if you enjoyed that, you should enjoy this, though the writing style is completely different)
  4. Stephen Kelman – Pigeon English (have read good reviews of this book so picked it up at my library)
  5. Peter Ackroyd – The Casebook of Victor Frankenstein (this sounds like an interesting book so am going to give it a go)
  6. Patricia Wood – Lottery(Again, I liked the sound of it)
  7. Aravind Adiga – The White Tiger (This is a tale of two India’s and sounds very interesting)


  1. Erin Morgenstern – The Night Circus( I received this for Christmas and I thoroughly enjoyed it, everyone should read it! Beautiful book!)
  2. Paige Nick – This Way Up( I enjoyed this, it is an easy reading book about a group of sisters)
  3. Emma van der Vliet – Past Imperfect ( Fabulous book by a South African author, loved it)
  4. Deon Meyer – Thirteen Hours ( South African crime writer who I recently discovered, I could not put this book down, it took me a day to read, small type and everything!)
  5. Nora Roberts – Black Hills( I was lent this book and having never read her before, I was pleasantly surprised)
  6. April Lindner – Jane ( An updated take on Jane Eyre for teenagers, quite good actually)

So, what do you think? Have you read any books on my TBR list or on my January reading list? Or have you read something which you would recommend to be added to my lists, please do let me know.

I aimed to get 100 books read last year, this didn’t happen, I managed a measly 56, so am hoping that this year will be better numbers wise!


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2 Responses to “Books Books Books”

  1. Some great ones to read there. I loved Paig Nick’s A million miles to normal. Maybe I would like this one too. Oh and Deon Meyer – I think I am his biggest groupie – I have read every single one once (including 7dae the new one) and most more than once. But 13 hours remains my second favorite of his -it has a stunning line of action. My favorite is Devil’s Peak (Infantata)

  2. Pamela says:

    I have tried and tried and tried to read A Suitable Boy. I think I am about a 1/3 of the way through it but I just can’t get into it.

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