Musings of a South African Bookworm

sharing my love of books with a special focus on SA literature

Literary Giveaway Blog Hop

on June 25, 2011

The blog hop, which is being hosted by Judith at Leeswarmes, is open from June 25th to June 29th and I have two books to be given away and both internationally! So, you get to choose your title and because there is nothing nicer that receiving a gift in the post, I am throwing in a book mark too.

There are many other book bloggers who are taking part in this blog hop so if you fancy your chances of winning yourself a book, take a blog hop around, you will find a list of the participating bloggers at the end of this post,  you never know, you may just find yourself a fabulous new blog to read as well.

So, without any further ado, the first book I am giving away is… drum roll please…



I recently read this book and it is a nugget of a book. In fact, any of Mitch Alboms books are little gold nuggets.

I particularly enjoyed this book as it is a true story, his first non fiction book since Tuesdays with Morrie and the story begins with and unusual request: an 82-year-old rabbi from Albom’s old hometown asks him to deliver his eulogy.

This book is about a life’s purpose; about losing belief and finding it again; about the divine spark inside us all. It is one man’s journey, but it is everyone’s story.

A beautiful poignant story which even the most hardened atheist would enjoy!

I also have a copy of… another drum roll please…


I really enjoyed the retelling of the myth of Penelope and think that it should be one book that everyone should read, hence my reason for adding it to the literary giveaway blog hop.


“Now that all the others have run out of air, it’s my turn to do  a little story-making.”

In Homer’s account in The Odyssey, Penelope – wife of Odysseus and cousin of the beautiful Helen of Troy – is portrayed as the quintessential faithful wife, her story a salutary lesson through the ages. Left alone for twenty years when Odysseus goes off to fight in the Trojan war after the abduction of Helen, Penelope manages, in the face of scandalous rumours, to maintain the kingdom of Ithaca, bring up her wayward son, and keep over a hundred suitors at bay, simultaneously. When Odysseus finally comes home after enduring hardships, overcoming monsters and sleeping with goddesses, he kills her suitors and – curiously – twelve of her maids.

In a splendid contemporary twist to the ancient story, Margaret Atwood has chosen to give the telling of it to Penelope and to her twelve hanged Maids, asking: ‘What led to the hanging of the maids, and what was Penelope really up to?’. In Atwood’s dazzling, playful retelling, the story becomes as wise and compassionate as it is haunting, and as wildly entertaining as it is disturbing. With wit and verve, drawing on the storytelling and poetic talent for which she herself is renowned, she gives Penelope new life and reality – and sets out to provide an answer to an ancient mystery.

All you need to do to enter this give away is to

a) like us on Facebook

b) follow us on Twitter and tweet about this give away (let us know when you have tweeted about it)

c) tell me which book you would like to win and why in the comments section.

If you do all three that gives you three chances to win! Nothing like making it extra easy, now is there??

So, go on, tweet, facebook and blog hop to your hearts content, it is weekend after all!

And on the morning of the 30th I will notify the winners.


List with all the Participants:

  1. Leeswammes (Int)
  2. The Book Whisperer (Int)
  3. Kristi Loves Books (Int)
  4. Teadevotee (Int)
  5. Bookworm with a View (Int)
  6. Bibliosue (Int)
  7. Sarah Reads Too Much (Int)
  8. write meg! (USA)
  9. My Love Affair With Books (Int)
  10. Seaside Book Nook (Int)
  11. Uniflame Creates (Int)
  12. Always Cooking Up Something (Int)
  13. Book Journey (Int)
  14. ThirtyCreativeStudio (Int)
  15. Col Reads (Int)
  16. The Book Diva’s Reads (Int)
  17. The Scarlet Letter (USA)
  18. The Parrish Lantern (Int)
  19. Lizzy’s Literary Life (Int)
  20. Read, Write & Live (Int)
  21. Book’d Out (Int)
  22. The Readers’ Suite (Int)
  23. I Am A Reader, Not A Writer (USA)
  24. Ephemeral Digest (Int)
  25. Miel et lait (Int)
  26. Bibliophile By the Sea (Int)
  27. Polychrome Interest (Int)
  28. Book World In My Head (Int)
  29. In Spring it is the Dawn (Int)
  30. everybookhasasoul (Int)
  31. Nishita’s Rants and Raves (Int)
  32. Fresh Ink Books (Int)
  33. Teach with Picture Books (USA)
  34. How to Teach a Novel (USA)
  35. The Blue Bookcase (Int)
  36. Gaskella (Int)
  37. Reflections from the Hinterland (USA)
  38. chasing bawa (Int)
  39. 51stories (Int)
  40. No Page Left Behind (USA)
  1. Silver’s Reviews (USA)
  2. Nose in a book (Int)
  3. Lit in the Last Frontier (Int)
  4. The Book Club Blog (Int)
  5. Under My Apple Tree (Int)
  6. Caribousmom (USA)
  7. breienineking (Netherlands)
  8. Let’s Go on a Picnic! (Int)
  9. Rikki’s Teleidoscope (Int)
  10. De Boekblogger (Netherlands)
  11. Knitting and Sundries (Int)
  12. Elle Lit (USA)
  13. Indie Reader Houston (Int)
  14. The Book Stop (Int)
  15. Eliza Does Very Little (Int)
  16. Joy’s Book Blog (Int)
  17. Lit Endeavors (USA)
  18. Roof Beam Reader (Int)
  19. The House of the Seven Tails (Int)
  20. Tony’s Reading List (Int)
  21. Sabrina @ Thinking About Loud! (Int)
  22. Rebecca Reads (Int)
  23. Kinna Reads (Int)
  24. In One Eye, Out the Other (USA)
  25. Books in the City (Int)
  26. Lucybird’s Book Blog (Europe)
  27. Book Clutter (USA)
  28. Exurbanis (Int)
  29. Lu’s Raves and Rants (USA & Canada)
  30. Sam Still Reading (Int)
  31. Dolce Bellezza (Int)
  32. Lena Sledge’s Blog…Books, Reviews and Interviews (Int)
  33. a Thousand Books with Quotes (Int)
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34 Responses to “Literary Giveaway Blog Hop”

  1. Miss Lauren says:

    Thanks for the giveaway! I’d love to win Atwood’s book because I love all of her books! 🙂 I follow your facebook page and on twitter via @ravishingreads. I also tweeted:!/ravishingreads/status/84722409906778112

    Miss Lauren
    misslaurenwilk at gmail dot com

  2. Darlene says:

    I haven’t read either one, but I already have the Atwood book in audio format for my TBR pile. I would chose Have A Little Faith.

    My email address is darlenesbooknook at gmail dot com.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  3. Darlene says:

    +1 for liking you on Facebook (Darlene Goodman).

    My email address is darlenesbooknook at gmail dot com.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  4. Darlene says:

    +1 for following you on Twitter (@DarlenesBookNook), and here is my tweet:!/DarleneBookNook/status/84742658479751168

    My email address is darlenesbooknook at gmail dot com.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  5. Kristi says:

    I would love the chance to win The Penelopiad. I read The Odyssey last year and loved it so it would be great to read a retelling.

  6. Mary Preston says:

    I LIKE you on FB. (No Twitter account.)

    I would love to read THE PENELOPIAD by MARGARET ATWOOD. It looks like a fascinating read.


  7. Lena says:

    Great book selection, I’d like Margaret Atwood. Thanks for offering the giveaway. I found your blog through the blog hop giveaway. I am currently following you through RSS, and I’m also participating in the blog hop.

    lenasledge (at) gmail(dot)com

  8. Hi Lena,
    Welcome to my blog and thanks for entering the give away!

  9. I know I should support our CanLit authors, but Atwood has never been one of my favorites SO I’d like to win Mitch Albon’s book – thank you for the chance!

  10. CurlyGeek04 says:

    I’m visiting from the Giveaway Hop! I would love to win a copy of Atwood’s book, it sounds wonderful. I’m a huge Atwood fan — in fact I’m giving away a copy of Oryx & Crake on my blog this weekend. I enjoyed visiting your blog!

  11. Judy Cox says:

    I would pick The Penelopiad.

    Like you on Facebook-Judy C
    follow on twitter @ladymagnolia99


  12. cerievans1 says:

    Hello, I have liked your blog on Facebook and tried to tweet but that is new to me and I failed abysmally 🙄
    I would love to win The Penelopiad by Margaret Atwood. My email address is cerievans1 at gmail dot com. Thanks

  13. Susanna P says:

    Thanks for the giveaway! I adore myth retellings and would love to win The Penelopiad!

    I have “liked” your Facebook page and now follow your Twitter account.

    susanna DOT pyatt AT student DOT rcsnc DOT org

  14. Tanya Riley says:

    Thanks for the wonderful giveaway 😀 I would be thrilled to win Penelopiad

  15. Tanya Riley says:

    I follow on facebook (Tanya Riley)

  16. Rebecca Reid says:

    I’d love to be entered for the Penelopiad. I love Homer, and would love to read the retelling.


  17. Shannon J. says:

    I would love The Penelopiad by Margaret Atwood because my youngest girl kitties name is Penelope and my not be a great reson to read a book but I’ll use any excuse!!! 😀 Thank you for the giveaway!!
    Mitch Albom’s book are all so wonderful!!

  18. +1 Like you on FB (Amy Sondova)

    +1 Following you on Twitter (artsybookishgal) & tweeted:!/ArtsyBookishGal/status/85162395537915904

    +1 I’d love to win The Penelopiad. I love Greek myths, and for some reason this one has always been one of my favorites.

    Thank you so much for the lovely giveaway!

    Amy // amyismyfriend at aol dot com

  19. Lu says:

    I am a new follower of your blog. I also “like” you on facebook. ( will provide you with real full name for verification via email if you wish, as Lu is a nickname)

    I would love to win the Mitch Albom book. I have read 2 of his other books, and really enjoyed them. Tuesdays with Morrie is one of my favourites!

    lusravesandrants AT gmail DOT com

  20. Rad Hall says:

    Have a Little Faith, please 🙂 Thanks for the giveaway.
    Liked on Facebook – Rad Hall
    Follow on Twitter – Rad_Hall

    emi3mle at yahoo dot com dot au

  21. Aik says:

    +1 Facebook fan – Aik Chien
    +1 Twitter follower and tweeted:

  22. Janhvi Jagtap says:

    i would love to win the penelopiad by margaret atwood!
    thanks for the giveaway!

    justjanhvi at gmail dot com

  23. Misha says:

    I would love to win THE PENELOPIAD. I am a huge fan of Margaret Atwood and that’s one of the few books of hers that I haven’t read yet.
    FB follower @Misha Mathew
    Twitter follower @Misha_1989

  24. Gisele Alvarado says:

    Thank you so much for the giveaway!
    Like on FB: Ileana Alvarado
    follow via twitter: @Gisselle_Alv



  25. I would love to win The Penelopiad by Atwood.

    I liked you on Facebook: Sabrina Whitehead

    And tweeted about your giveaway.

    Sabrina.Whitehead {at} gmail {dot} com

  26. Tirabaralla says:

    Thank you for this possibility!

    #1 I would loke to win the Mitch Albom book! I read one of his already and loved it.

    #2 I now follow you on Facebook, I am Giovanna V. on FB.

    #3 I follow you on Twitter, I am @Tirabaralla on Twitter. I twitted here:

    Thanks again.

  27. Thanks for your generosity, and for participating in this blog hop! I’m a huge fan of Margaret Atwood, so I’d love for a chance to win “The Penelopiad”, please.

    Email: Enamoredsoul(at)gmail(dot)com
    Facebook Fan: Hira Hasnain
    Twitter: @inluvwithbookz

  28. Ellen Trieu says:

    Hi! I liked your facebook page, followed you on twitter and tweeted about it! I would like to win THE PENELOPIAD-MARGARET ATWOOD because we recently studied the Odyssey in class and it was an interesting story and I would love to read Penelope’s side of the story 😉

  29. tanabata says:

    I’d love to be entered for The Penelopiad. Because I’ve enjoyed several of Margaret Atwood’s books and have heard good things about this one.

    I’ve liked your page on Facebook.

    And followed on Twitter, and tweeted:!/inspringthedawn/status/86050288095592448

    Thanks for the giveaway!
    inspringthedawn at gmail dot com

  30. Iris says:

    I’d love to be entered for the Penelopiad. I’ve been meaning to read it for a long time and it is said to be one of the best of the Canongate myth series, and the whole of the series looks good to me, so this must be amazing 🙂

    irisonbooks AT gmail DOT com

  31. Kinna says:

    I would love to read The Penelopiad. I like Atwood’s work and lately have also been looking for The Odyssey-inspired stories.

    Tweeted the giveaway
    follow on twitter at well

    Thanks, kinnareads(at)gmail(dot)com

  32. Sarah Bibi Setar says:


    Thanks for the great giveaway:)

    I follow your Facebook page: Sarah Bibi Setar

    I follow on Twitter: @SweetNSensible

    I tweeted:!/SweetNSensible/status/86146411783127040

    I’m glad to have found your blog. From your Facebook page, I understand that you’re South African blogger. As a South African interested in all things bookish, it’s always a pleasant surprise to come across great South African book blogs.



  33. Sarah Bibi Setar says:

    Sorry, I forgot to tell you which book I’d like to read. My choice is Margaret Atwood’s Penelopiad because I’ve always wanted to read a book by Margaret Atwood and this may be my chance. Thanks:)


  34. Dinda_SI says:

    Thanks for the chance !!!
    I would love to win Have a Little Faith because the story sounds interesting, especially because it’s a true story.
    I liked your fb page (Dinda Lestarini).
    I follow you on twitter and tweet this :

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