Musings of a South African Bookworm

sharing my love of books with a special focus on SA literature

Wool – a review of sorts

Wool by Hugh Howey is a thoroughly intriguing read! I loved it, and read it in two days, luckily it was weekend, so had some reading time to devote to it.  The story behind the author and the book is here.

Please read it, interesting and though provoking, especially if you have read the novel.

If not, Do! If I had known it was classified as ‘sci fi’ I probably wouldn’t of picked it up, but it is way more than ‘sci fi’, it is a post apocalyptic novel with echos of our present and truly unputdownable. My words will not be able to do it justice.

Suffice to say, the next instalment is due out soon and looks like even a movie in the future! One, I have to admit to wanting to watch if and when it does!

Have you read it?

If so, what did you think? 

Are you as taken with it as I am or not really?

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A Monday Give Away

Fancy something free on a Monday? Just to get your week off to a great start? Well, here is your chance!

The Book Club Blog has one copy of The Angina Monologues by Rosamund Kendal to give away to one lucky South African reader. If you read The Karma Suture then you Must read this:

In The Angina Monologues three female medical interns from vastly different backgrounds are sent to a rural KZN hospital where gang assassinations and rogue snakes are facts of life and AIDS simply does not exist.

Pampered, spoilt Rachel struggles to establish her independence and learns to love across the cultural divide. Conservative, beautiful Seema struggles to end a relationship that has become increasingly abusive. And street-savvy Nomsa finally learns to accept a past she has spent a lifetime denying.

This is the story of three women finding courage, love and compassion in the most unlikely places. Like its bestselling predecessor,The Karma Suture, The Angina Monologues brings readers face to face with what it takes to be woman doctor in the New South Africa without losing your soul.

What do you need to do to win yourself your very own copy?

*  Leave us a comment saying hi!

* Tweet about it @thebookclubblog and follow us on twitter (just click on the twitter button and the top of the home page) (+1)

*  Like us on Facebook and Facebook the giveaway (+1)

Easy Peasy as my daughter would say!

Give away ends on Monday 18th March. Your book will be posted to you so please make sure you have a valid postal address.

Happy Monday!



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Top Ten Books of 2012

This year, I did not keep track of the amount of books I read, I try, but then before I have written down the names, I have taken my books back to the library. I wonder if the library keeps a list of the books that have been checked out on ones card? But I do have a list of the books that I enjoyed this year.

In the no 1 spot:

1.The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake – Aimee Bender

This book was my absolute favorite! The writing is beautiful, you can taste the words, and I think if you read one book, this one is it.

2.  Shades – Marguerite Poland

A new to me SA author, read my review here. This book came a very close second to my first choice.

3.  Divergent – Veronika Roth

I read this four days ago and Loved it! Yesterday I went and bought Invergent and looking forward to getting stuck into it. If you like The Hunger Games, then you will enjoy this.

4.  The Hunger Games – Suzanne Collins

It took me a while to read this series as I wasn’t taken in with the hype. Eventually, I picked it up… and could not put them down! I haven’t watched the movies though.

5.  The Abhorsen Trilogy – Garth Nix

Loved this series! Check out my review here

6.  The Spud Series- John van de Ruit

If you have not yet picked up this series, do! Go here to see my review.

7.  Memoirs of an Imaginary Friend – Matthew Dicks

I gave this away on one of the Literary Blog Hops  I thought it was that good!

8.  Honeymoon with my brother – Franz Wisner

Review is over here

9.  Fifty is not a four letter word – Linda Kelsey

This was a beautiful book about a woman who reaches fifty and realises a whole whack of truths. Read it if you dare…

10. Eating with Angels – Sarah- Kate Lynch

A lovely story about  food, about second chances, about parents and children, about New York and Venice, and about love, more delicious than any four star meal…

Go on, tell us in the comments what you favourite reads of 2012 were…

(I am looking forward to another year of reading…!)


A Quick Bookish Survey

1.  The book I am currently reading:  Before I forget – Andre Brink.

This is my first Andre Brink book and so far so good, I am not very far into the story as my reading time is limited to just before bed at the moment,but I am intruiged enough to keep reading.

2. The last book I finished:  Emily Green and me – Kathryn White

I have been on a ‘South African author’ reading quest of late, to find more SA authors that I love. This was an interesting and slightly bizarre book. I loved the concept behind the story(After years of illness, 11 year old Emily receives the heart of a seventeen year old boy who died in a motorbike accident.It is both of their stories) and it got under my skin just a little…

3. The next book I want to read is:  Things without a name – Joanne Fedler

I picked this book up at the library yesterday, it sounds interesting.

4. The last book I bought was: Divergent

I went looking for Chrismas Book presents and came out with this! I have heard many things and so for a mere 40 raands, I decided to give it a go. Any one else read it?

5. The last book I was given: The 100 year old man who climbed out of the window and disappeared – Jonas Jonnason

I won this on the last blog hop! Which I didn’t realise until a little while ago (how lucky am I?). It is currently in the postal system so technically I haven’t received it yet, but it has been given to me.

And you? Do answer in the comments or link to your blog.

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Updated Book Wish List

The Murder of Norma Ware – Rosamund Kendal

This is apparently quite a dark novel and nothing like her first two, I have to admit to being intrigued and excited to read this book. You can read an interview with her here and more about the book here

Eating Animals – Jonathon Safran Foer

I am not a huge meat eater and have often thought about becoming a vegetarian, I think if I read this book it will be a done deal.

Spirit Junkie: A radical road to self love and miracles

A spiritual book is always good to read, and I love reading how other people’s lives are changed. One book which thoroughly agreed with me in this genre was ‘The Journey’ by Brandon Bayes.

Flight Behaviour – Barbara Kingsolver

I read the first chapter of this book in the latest edition of Fair Lady magazine. I am hooked and now need to read it!


And you, do you have an updated book wish list that you would like to share?



How do you read?

I found a list of questions sitting in my drafts in my email as I was clearing out clutter and decided to jot them down here. Please feel free to join in and do a blog post on how you read. I think it would be interesting to share!


How do you organize your books?

Hmm, I normally organise books by author, then theme. I have a shelf of cookery books, a shelf of Calvin and Hobbes (my MOST favorite), a shelf of Pilates and Massage books and a shelf of fiction. I then have a stack of books next to my bed which are currently in process, TBR, read and library books.

Do you prefer series books or stand alone books?

I like both. Some of my favourite books have been series, which is great because you get longer with characters that you really like. And stand alone books are also great, but what I really dislike is when I discover an awesome book only to discover that it is the only book by them and they haven’t written any others! Or when you start reading a series and then have to wait for each book to come out, I would rather wait and then read them all in a row.

Do you have a favorite time of day and/or place to read?

I can read anytime of day or night;-) but usually end up reading at night time before bed, sometimes until late at night, which is not condusive to joyful moods in the morning… and normally in bed. I do, however, love having a hot bubble bath and reading till the water needs topping up, again(and again). I also read in the car, or queue’s while waiting.

Are you the type of person that only reads one book at a time or can
you read more than one at a time?

I read more than one at a time, unless the one I am currently reading takes preference and I don’t want to put it down!

What is the last book you bought?

Spud by John van der Ruit

What are you currently reading?

Dragonspell by Donita K Paul

If you come across an unfamiliar word, do you stop to look it up right away?

I don’t, I know I should, but I don’t.

Do you snack while you read? If so, favorite reading snack?

Not usually, but if I do, it would more than likely be chocolate. Any type will do, but Lindt chilli is my favourite reading companion.

and you, how do you read? Leave a link in the comments so we can all have a read:-)


The Help – Kathryn Stockett – review

Ok, so I think I was probably one of the last people on the planet to read this book, yes about a year after it had hit every one elses book shelf, it hit mine and here is my verdict…

I really enjoyed it! I thought it was extremely well written on a sensitive subject. The characters were brought to life and you could feel the emotions tugging at your insides as you read the book.  I think as a mother too, it made it even more emotional because the way one of the characters treated her daughter was just too heartbreaking and could see the emotional effect it would later have on her.

One thing which I have always found peculiar with racism and nanny’s is that, it was/is perfectly fine for ladies of colour to feed, clothe and look after your child without passing on any ‘disease’ but share a toilet and hell couldn’t be worse.  I have never understood it and probably never will.

I think this was a book that needed to be written and I am glad that I have read it.

Have you?



Love in a headscarf vs The god delusion


I don’t know about you, but I often have two or more books on the go at the same time. Reading one during kiddy nap time and the other for bedtime reading, so it was when I discovered Love in a Headscarf at the library while already reading The God Delusion. And I have to say, that it was interesting reading the two in tandem. On one side I had Richard Dawkins telling me how God does not exist and the reasons therefore and on the other hand, I have Shelina Zahra Janmohamed telling me how she believes that God does exist. It made for interesting reading viewpoints;-)

But, both books were equaly interesting and enjoyable to read. I am interested in other peoples religions, not overly so, but when you combine a real life story about a British Muslim looking for a husband via an arranged marriage and all that goes with it, together with a fabulous writing style, I was hooked. It was captivating to read about the ins and  outs of arranged marriages and how the entire family becomes involved. But in this particular case, the parents were highly supportive of their daughter and who she chose/was chosen by which helped matters. This story begs to be read to open the ‘westerners’ eyes on how the Muslim arranged marriage system works. It was a beautiful book, and I highly recommend it.


The God Delusion makes for interesting reading too. Richard Dawkins makes many valid points as to WHY God does not exist. I enjoyed reading it. I quite enjoy the two opinions on God. The reasons as to why He does exist is almost fantastical whereas the reasons why He does not exist is almost as fantastical as the opposite. If you are having a crisis of faith, this is a good book to ‘give both sides of the story’ so to speak. I do agree with many points that he brings across but I think that God is a belief thing, and each to his own.

Have you read it? What did you think? I would be very interested to know:-)


(currently I am reading The Help by Kathryn Stockett and I know I am about a year late than the rest of the world in reading it, but am thoroughly enjoying it and looking forward to posting my thoughts once I have finished)

Last but not least, what are you currently reading?


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Baby book shower

Today, I went to a baby shower.  It was not your normal every day baby shower, where the mom-to-be is inundated with cute baby clothes and jars, tubes and tubs of lotions and potions. The invite was quite specific and proposed that if you wanted to buy a gift, your favourite childhood book was deemed a very good idea.

So, today, the  many beautiful bejeweled and beribboned gifts contained exactly that. Books.  Books of all types and flavours. Ranging from Eric Carle to Roald Dahl. Nursery treasuries to Winnie-the–poo. My gift was Paddington Bear. And Postman Pat joined the queue too.

And inside each book, an inscription to the little unborn child who has officially had a library of books started for him. I thought it was a beautiful and unique idea. Here are a couple of photographs of a library beginning.

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So, how many of you have read Room by Emma Donaghue?

I read it over the festive season after hearing word of mouth rave reviews from all most all my bookish friends. I decided to buy it and read it and see what on earth it was all about, because if you haven’t read it, and someone has told you about it, I’m sure you realised that they haven’t told you too much about the actual story… Am I correct?

Well, I’m about to tell you the same thing, its a VGB (Very Good Book) but I can’t tell you the story line.

What I can tell you is that I have one copy to giveaway for one lucky reader!

Yip, just one, so get those fingers talking and leave a comment telling me what you think the story is about, and for those of you who have read it, no telling and spoiling the suspense, k?!

The giveaway is open until the 25th Jan 2011, that gives you a week, and its open to South African residents only.  I will randomly choose a winner by putting all your names into a hat and pulling out one name.

so, get commenting…

P.S. if you don’t win a copy, you can click on the picture and it takes you straight to Kalahari to purchase a copy if you do so wish.