Musings of a South African Bookworm

sharing my love of books with a special focus on SA literature

Hannah’s Gift

on September 16, 2009

Hannah's Gift

Hannah’s Gift is a novel, written by Maria Housden, Hannah’s mother. It tells the true story of a little girl, Hannah, who at the age of 2 is diagnosed with cancer.

I first read this novel about 8 years ago, and simply could not put it down. I read it in one sitting and when finished, well into the early hours of the morning, I went and climbed into bed with my little girl, held her close and cried.

An excerpt:

” When my daugher Hannah was diagnosed with cancer, one month before her third birthday, everything I had believed about myself and my life was called into question. In the face of the fiercest, most unrelenting truth, I began to look for new answers. Hannah herself became my teacher. Honest, funny, and fearless in the way she lived her life and embraced her death, Hannah opened me to a deeper wisdom, to a more joyful, less fearful way of living.”

To read this novel is to see life through the eyes of a 3 yr old.

The patent red leather shoes on the cover drew me to this book – i’m definately a ‘visual reader’ if i don’t know the author.  But once I’d read the blurb on the back I knew I was going to buy it.  Perhaps also because my eldest was 3 at the time, and the thought of having to lose her to cancer was more than I could imagine?

This remarkable little girl opens our hearts to what really matters in life – she makes us stop and smell the roses – something we so often forget to do in our daily journeys.

It’s a remarkable story, told from the heart and will bring comfort to anyone who has lost a loved one, and renew your faith in the power of love.

Just have a box of tissues handy when you do read it – tear-jerker is an understatement.

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2 Responses to “Hannah’s Gift”

  1. Cathy says:

    Wow this sounds like a good book to read. A friend of mine’s little son got cancer (brain tumour) last year (just after turning 1) and by December last year when he turned two he was clean… miraculously. It sure brought home for me the shortness of life and how precious our children are.

  2. AnnaHopn says:

    Not sure that this is true:), but thanks for a post.

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