The Local Lit Scene

celebrating South African Literature beyond our past

Book review – Blankets

Blankets by Craig Thompson is a graphic novel of great beauty with sadness in it too.

I am not averse to graphic novels, but  have to say that they haven’t been high on my list of priorities when choosing a book to read but that has now changed. I discovered a review of this book near the beginning of the year and it apart from the striking cover, the review had only good things to say.

While  at the library last week, I had a look in the graphic novel section on the off chance it would be there, and what luck! There it was. It wasn’t what I was expecting, in the first case, it was a thick book! I had envisioned it being thin and large, yet, it was a tome of a book. Great!

I started reading it as soon as I could, and it was another one of those,that I could not put down. I took me a day to read, in amidst looking after  a busy toddler- that is one thing that graphic novels have in their favour, they have pictures and few words, perfect for when you don’t have time to concentrate.

The story line is simple and is a  coming-of-age autobiography, the book tells the story of Thompson’s childhood in an Evangelical Christian  family, his first love, and his early adulthood. Thompson has said that the novel grew out of a simple idea: to describe what it feels like to sleep next to someone for the first time.

The graphics are beautiful and striking, simple and effective. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and would recommend you to read it. It brings back nostalgia for reading picture books, and, that first love.

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Hannah Grace – Shirley MacLaren

This review was sent in by Cathy and is our first member submission.

Hannah Grace

Hannah Grace, by Shirley MacLaren is set in 1903.  It is essentially a small town love story with a bit of mystery thrown in for excitement. It is also the first in the trilogy about Jacob Kane’s daughters.

Hannah Grace is the eldest daughter, and at 21 and is on the point of getting engaged to the town doctor… but all is not as it seems to be.  Into town rides the new sheriff, Gabriel Devlin… and of course the sparks fly. There is also a little 8year old boy in the story, who in a way is the main focus of the story and tugs at your heart strings.

God works in His mysterious ways through the book, leading Hannah Grace in her decisions about marriage, Gabe in his job and Jesse in his search for relief from his troubles….

Just the sort of nice feel good read that takes you away from the things of this world and makes you wish for good in everyone else.

I thoroughly enjoyed it.”

Thanks Cathy, we look forward to reading your reviews of the other 2 books in the series!

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