Musings of a South African Bookworm

sharing my love of books with a special focus on SA literature

The Little Stranger – Sarah Waters

on October 22, 2009

book_1_1The Little Stranger by Sarah Waters is her latest release. Which I have been itching to read ever since someone I know on FB mentioned it on her status. I am very pleased to say, that I have just today, finished reading it. It was definitely a ‘not easy to put down’ book and I found myself reading it whenever and wherever I could. While cooking supper, first thing in the morning before everyone was up, stealing 5 minutes outside with a cuppa coffee and no disturbances. The only time I didnt read it was late into the night (due to little whispers of fright clutching at my tummy, I am one of those people that cant read thrillers or watch horror movies for fear of nightmares…!)

But to get back to this book, it is unlike her last novels in that this is a ghost story. It is seen and told through the eyes and voice of Dr Faraday who has a firm disbelief for anything supernatural. It is post war Summer at the Hundreds Hall, the home to Ayres family – mother,son and daughter – and changes are afoot.  This is a brilliantly written book and takes you on weaves and turns, sinister and haunting and has you siding first with one character then the next. Wondering what and who and why. It pulls you into the feel of the times and one cannot but imagine being there.

The only part I wasn’t too happy with was the ending, but after having a think about the story, reminded myself, it is a ghost story after all. And a good ghost story is one that leaves you slightly chilled, slightly scared, and very thankful that you are only a bystander!

The Little Stranger is available at all good bookstores and if you are looking for a slightly haunting book, then this is the book for you.

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2 Responses to “The Little Stranger – Sarah Waters”

  1. Shayne says:

    ooh, spooky.

    don’t think i’ll be reading this!

    Great review tho xxx

  2. […] readers and blogger’s alike, we have one copy of Sarah Waters’s Little Stranger to give […]

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