Musings of a South African Bookworm

sharing my love of books with a special focus on SA literature

The Truth About Melody Browne – Lisa Jewell

on October 19, 2009

melody browne

The truth about Melody Browne by Lisa Jewell is by far one of her best books.  That is not to say that her other books are not her best, but this one is completely different from the usual ‘chick lit’ fare.

It has a smattering of romance (which is always good) but it offers the reader so much more than that. It offers intrigue and wonder. It offers unexpected variety and it certainly gives us heartbreak. I have to admit that this book saw many tears sliding down my cheeks and at one point I was barely holding back sobs (this could, of course, be merited to the fact that I was PMSing at the time of reading but I don’t believe that was the only reason!)

The story is about Melody Browne and her past. Since she was nine years old, after her house burned down, Melody has not had any memories preceding this age. Now, she is in her early thirties, living with her son in a small flat in London and estranged from her parents who she hasn’t seen since she left home at 15.

Then something extraordinary occurs, while attending a hypnotist show with her first date in years, she faints. And on her coming round, she suddenly begins to remember. Bits and pieces of a life she cant remember. And so the story begins.

It takes us on twists and turns as Melody’s memory slowly sheds light on the gaping chasm that it once was.  And as the story nears its end, all the loose ends are tied up and one can see, why, she didn’t remember her past.

This is a wonderfully written book, with the ability to keep you reading until late at night and can recommend this for a weekend of easy reading entertainment.

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2 Responses to “The Truth About Melody Browne – Lisa Jewell”

  1. Shayne says:

    I loved this and do think that it’s her best to date (apart from Bookends)

  2. Simone says:

    Good book and a thoughtful review. Thanks for sharing.
    All the very best.

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