Musings of a South African Bookworm

sharing my love of books with a special focus on SA literature

Secret Santa and other book gifts

on December 29, 2009


This is the first time that I have taken part in a holiday swop and it was great! I really enjoyed shopping as a Secret Santa (though the impatience of waiting for my gift to arrive at its destination was a bit much to handle…) and was very excited to see what my Secret Santa would send me, someone I had never met, in a completely different part of the world.

The wait was long, as long as the wait to Christmas in fact, but I arrived home from my holiday of festivities to find a parcel waiting for me. It had arrived from Santa Barbara (and all I really know of Santa Barbara is that it was the name of one of my favourite soapies when I was a teenager) from a blogger called Helen at Helen’s Book Blog.

I received a lovely recipe book called ‘A Slice of Santa Barbara’ California Riviera CuisineĀ  with a post card of Santa Barbara itself and a lovely pile of children’s book to send to Bambelela. So, that means a pressie for me and pressies for the little ones. How blessed am I?



Thank you Helen, it was a lovely surprise!

(And keep an eye out for a post on the results on the Book Rasier- coming soon, just waiting on some photies- we did good! Check out these photos of the books we raised.)



As for other bookish gifts, I received the book I was hoping for in my stocking: The Angels Game – Carlos Ruiz Zafon


and this delicious looking book called ‘Bake’ (which I have already tried out- or should I say, about to, as have just made one of the tarts for a late lunch, it looks and smells as good as the book cover!)


So, go on, spill the beans, what books did you receive this year?

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3 Responses to “Secret Santa and other book gifts”

  1. I am so glad the package arrived safely! I hope you got lots of books for the children as well. Happy Holidays!

  2. Shayne says:

    I received a lovely cookbook – Rachels Food – who is my fav Irish TV cook. Yet to try out the recipes tho.

    So glad to hear your parcel arrived!

  3. Pamela says:

    I also recieved a cookbook (of sorts). It is called “A Farm in my Heart” by Francois Smuts and Emilia Le Roux and I love it.

    The recipies are more story style than actual recipe as they don’t give you a list of ingredients first, it just tells you how to make it with the quantities in the story.

    It also has ancedotes about farm life, growing up on a farm and organic gardening.

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