Musings of a South African Bookworm

sharing my love of books with a special focus on SA literature

Hope for the flowers

on October 17, 2010

Hope for the flowers by Trina Paulus is a beautiful, simple and classic book which I was given at least 10 years ago by a special friend of mine.

My first copy I gave to my niece and at the beginning of this year, I purchased another copy for my daughter to have. Recently, we have started reading it at bedtime and it is a lovely story.

It is a simple yet inspiring allegory about following and realizing one’s destiny but told through Stripe and Yellow, two caterpillars.  They struggle to ‘climb to the top’ until they realise that they are meant to fly.

It is a beautiful story and as the name suggests, full of hope. It is one of my favourites when I am feeling in need of  a pick me up and now, it is one of my daughter’s favourites.

The drawings evoke images and feelings and though it is a fairly thick book, it doesn’t take long to read at all as well as the cover being a cheerful yellow, it is a lovely addition to ones library.

If you are in need of a little hope right now, or even just looking for a gift this festive season, I highly recommend, Hope for the Flowers

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Hope for the flowers, 10.0 out of 10 based on 2 ratings

3 Responses to “Hope for the flowers”

  1. Una McGurk says:

    Thanks for the lovely review of Hope for the Flowers. If anyone reading this would like to get their own copy of Hope or one as a gift for a special someone directly from the author, Trina Paulus, please visit our website:

  2. Lanadene says:

    I love this book – I bought it way back when and it still inspires me. Looking forward to reading it to my children one day!

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