Musings of a South African Bookworm

sharing my love of books with a special focus on SA literature

Books of 2010

on January 1, 2011

I was aiming to read 50 books this year, which may or may not sound like a lot to you, but alas I didn’t make it. I did manage to read 45 (or to be completely honest, am 3/4  way through book no 45*) but will most likely be finished by tomorrow  so I’m counting it in.

I failed miserably at doing any of the challenges that I planned to, I only managed to read one book from the GLBT challenge and I still have other books on my list which are sitting in my bookshelf awaiting my eyes to peruse them.

What I did learn about myself, is that I am not a List reader. I need to go searching for something which tickles my fancy at a particular time and then read it, which doesn’t work so well for challenges, but I may aim to try it again sometime. Another thing which I have learnt over the last year reading wise, is that sometimes I am just not in the mood to read, whoever would of thought I would utter such words, but it’s true. Between work and toddler play, life gets busy and  at bedtime, I can barely keep my eyes open to read a page, never mind a chapter but my holiday has rectified that for  now at least.

So, without further ado, I give to you my list of books I read this year. Not all of them have reviews.

  1. We be reading  – Sue Gee
  2. Northern Lights – Phillip Pullman
  3. The Angels game – Carlos Ruiz Zafon
  4. The Subtle Knife – Phillip Pullman
  5. Micheal Tolliver lives – Armistead Maupin
  6. The Marriage Bureau for rich people – Farahad Zama
  7. Where Rainbows end – Cecilia Ahern
  8. The Elegance of the hedgehog –  Muriel Burbery
  9. Rumour has it – Jill Mansell
  10. Indigo Children – Lee Carroll, Jan Tober
  11. The Mother Daughter Dance – Harriet Lerner Ph.D
  12. The Swan Thieves – Elizabeth Kostova
  13. Natural Flights of the Human Mind – Clare Morrall
  14. A Million Miles from Normal – Paige Nick
  15. The eye of the world – Robert Jordan
  16. The Great Hunt – Robert Jordan
  17. Sparkles – Louise Bagshaw
  18. Blankets – Craig Thompson
  19. The Forty Rules of Love – Elif Shafak
  20. Mushy peas on toast -Laurian Clemence
  21. Pippi long stocking – Astrid Lindgren
  22. One fifth Avenue – Candace Bushnell
  23. The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society – Mary Ann Shaffer
  24. Our Tragic Universe – Scarlett Thomas
  25. The Love Curse of the Rumbaughs – Jack Gantos
  26. A pyschic in new york
  27. The Host – Stephanie Meyer
  28. Tom Bedlam – George Hagen
  29. Slam – Nick Hornby
  30. Tea Time for the traditionally built – Alexander McCall Smith
  31. I don’t like chocolate – Jesse Breytenbach
  32. The Childrens book – A.S Byatt
  33. Penny Vincenzi- the other woman
  34. Louise Bagshawe – Passion
  35. The pillars of the earth – Ken Follet
  36. The last Dragonslayer – Jasper Fforde
  37. The love verb – Jane Green
  38. How to raise happy healthy children – Sally Ann Creed and Andalene Salvesen
  39. Haroun and the sea of stories -Salmon Rushdie
  40. Room – Emma Donahue
  41. Ladies who lunch – Linda Francis Lee
  42. Toby Alone- Timothee de Fombelle
  43. A book of a  thousand days- Shannon Hale
  44. Aphrodite – Erica Jong
  45. Helen of Troy – Margaret George *

Hmm, looking at this lists, I realise, I will need to do more reviews on my reading!

Here’s to a great book year, leave a comment, and let me know where you book at, love checking out new book blogs:-)

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3 Responses to “Books of 2010”

  1. Shayne says:

    What did you think of Room? And the Guersney Literary CLub?

  2. I thoroughly enjoyed Room, I read it in 24 hours and could not put it down.
    I also enjoyed the Geurnsey Literary Club. I thought it was a lovely way of telling a story. I know what you thought of Room, what did you think of the other one?

  3. Shayne says:

    Found guersney very long windy and din’t enjoy it much. Thorough enjoyed room

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