Musings of a South African Bookworm

sharing my love of books with a special focus on SA literature

Year of the Gherkin – John Dobson. A review

on July 8, 2012


For the Winter Book Swop the requirements were to post one book by a South African author and one essential item that you use during Winter. Well, this was my Book Gift and I was very pleased as I had seen it in Exclusive Books and had even read the first page. I did ponder buying it for myself, luckily not! (my essential Winter item was a lovely hat from Ginger Mary, which also arrived at just the right time as I had just that week lost mine…Thanks Karen!)

Anyway, lets get back to the review.

Year of the Gherkin is written in diary format, think ‘Spud’ which is always an interesting and humorous way to write, about Jason Brydon aka the Jasonator.  Set in Cape Town, Jason is a rep in the paint retail industry, doesn’t have a girlfriend and needs to lose a few kilo’s. But is this the year that it all changes for the better??  I won’t spoil it for you suffice to say the ending was not quite what I was hoping for but definitely stays in line with the story, and I guess you could even call it tongue in cheek.

What I found interesting about this book was how very aptly the author has got the drinking mentality of its protege so very correct. It sums up the South African drinker and while this book was rather amusing, I admit to having laughed out loud in various excerpts, I do find it rather sad how we are (generally) a nation of drinkers. How one Needs one (or two and most likely three) drinks in order to ‘ease the nerves’ of a job interview, or going on a first date or blind date at that, or any other excuse that one can think of!

Should you read this book? Hell, why not? It is funny and though I struggled through the first month or so, I then got into it and enjoyed it. As I said, I was a little disappointed by the ending but nothing drastic that I wouldn’t recommend it. Has anyone else read it? What did you think?

So, what did you get in your Book Swop? Have you read your book yet? And if so, how about sending in a review?

Lastly, to spread the love this cold Wintery Sunday, I would like to pass this book on for one of you(anyone, anywhere) to read, we are a Book Club after all, and all you need to do is to leave a comment telling me why you would like to read it. The one reason that makes me laugh out loud is the winner, so, no pressure! I will pick a winner on Wednesday the 11th July.

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2 Responses to “Year of the Gherkin – John Dobson. A review”

  1. Shayne says:

    I think that i should get this book next (i will then post it on) as I am in so much of a reading frenzy that you could liken it to eating a jar of gherkins – as you would when you were pregnant.

  2. Morgan Nortje says:

    The ending was SUCH a disappointment – so much so that I wonder if I am missing something? Perhaps the full thing didn’t download onto my Kindle? Does the diary really end in September???

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