Musings of a South African Bookworm

sharing my love of books with a special focus on SA literature

From Aardvark to Zuma – a review

on October 21, 2012

Last week I received a book in the post. I was expecting it, I just didn’t know when it might arrive. What joy then, when it did. Yes, you guessed it, ‘From Aardvark to Zuma by Alex Latimer’ was the said book. Thank you Penguin Books SA!

This is a truly delightful and ‘typically’ South African book. I read it in one sitting – it isn’t very long – and I loved it. I love the uniqueness of the words he uses for each letter, as well as some which are such well known items that if it hadn’t been used for a letter, one would of wondered why not?!

Written with slightly tongue in cheek, it is an amusing, interesting and quite spot on description of  our rainbow nation. Take this for an example:

B for Bakkie: The word ‘bakkie’ comes from the Afrikaans word for a Tupperware-like container with a lid. A bakkie is essentially a car with a ‘container’ on the back. It is very useful for transporting huge sandwiches and other items that won’t fit in the fridge.

So now, if ever you are in a different country, and someone asks you what on earth a bakkie is, you can just hand over this book. In fact, I think it may be essential when traveling abroad, much like ‘The Lonely Planet Guides’.  Instead of trying to explain what all our words mean, just hand out this book!

Alex Latimer is an illustrator and picture book maker. His drawings are incredible.

Picture taken from here

If you would like to see more of his work, and why wouldn’t you? It is unique and lovely, or see what other books he has published – there are two fabulous looking children’s books called The Boy Who Cried Ninja and The Penguin’s Hidden Talent (which I am so buying for Bean for Chrismas!) go here and here.

And if you are needing something a little quirky, a little different for a Christmas gift, this would be perfect!




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3 Responses to “From Aardvark to Zuma – a review”

  1. Shayne says:

    I saw this book and wondered about it – think i’ll have to get a copy. Maybe for Dean for Christmas.

  2. Pamela says:

    Looks interesting

  3. […] very kindly answered some questions in an email interview for The Book Club Blog. I had reviewed Aardvark to Zuma and loved it as well as the […]

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