Musings of a South African Bookworm

sharing my love of books with a special focus on SA literature

A month of gratitude

on December 1, 2012

( I posted this on my other blog, so apologies if you are reading it twice)

Giving Thanks.

It is something which should be done daily, but often is neglected until someone reminds us that there is  much to be thank full for.

I followed the November Month of Gratitude by posting on my FB wall that which I was grateful for that day. The thing about conciously being thank full is, it makes you think, even on those ‘bad’ days where everything just seems to be going wrong, or you feel sad and down, that there is ALWAYS something to be thank full for!

What I realised during this month of gratitude:

* how you think affects how life affects you.

* love seems to flow more easily from oneself 

* Becoming more aware of what people mean to you

* AND letting them know. ( Too often we don’t say I love you, because we think we shouldn’t or, will they think I am weird for telling them, or for countless other reasons…!)

* What you give out comes back tenfold!

* Life is less stressful

* Joy should be an everyday occurence, even if it only happens for 5 minutes in that day

* We should give thanks even when we feel there is nothing to give thanks for.

I will be continuing to do my ‘What I am grateful for’s’ as I find it really does up the energy levels in my brain and helps to live life in a Joy full way, even when I am grumpy!!

And you, how did you find it affected you? 

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