Musings of a South African Bookworm

sharing my love of books with a special focus on SA literature

Jackie Cameron Cooks at Home – my opinion

on May 29, 2013

I Love Cookbooks.

I am not ashamed to admit that at all. I love how different chefs have different takes on a meal, and the addition or subtraction of an ingredient can change a meal in an instance.

I received this book from Penguin Books SA and what a delightful cook book this is, in a sea of cook books, one can always ask, ‘what is unique about this one’? Why should I buy another cookbook? What is it going to teach me about cooking?

Well, for me, the uniqueness of this particular book is in its honest and easy approach to food. The photography is purely delicious as are the recipes – the ones I have tried so far – and the ones I plan to try this week. Yes, I admit it, I have meal planned out of it since I received it a week ago.

Last week we tried the corn fritters, easy and tasty and a nice addition to tomato soup for our Meat Free Mondays. This week I have tuna fishcakes, wasabi baby potatoes and chocolate chip cookies to try out. The chocolate chip cookies will be given as a thank you gift (and some for me, of course) and considering I am a Huge wasabi fan, I am looking forward to trying out a new spin on an old favorite. One of the few things my daughter eats with relish is fish so I am going to try my hand at the tuna fishcakes, much healthier and I am positive, much tastier than shop bought ones!

So, if you are asking Why should I buy another cook book? Well, my answer is this: the recipes are easy, food delicious and if you are in a cooking rut, making the same meals week in and week out, this is a fabulous book to try new things!

Just, be sure to let me know what you try out and we can compare our results;-)

Jackie Cameron Cooks at Home retails from Kalahari for R225 and Exclusives for R212 at the time of this post.

Happy Cooking!


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