Musings of a South African Bookworm

sharing my love of books with a special focus on SA literature

Random Bookish news

on September 1, 2013

I went off to the Exclusive Books Warehouse sale last week and found myself some books to read! For 12 books it cost me a mere R125. Can you believe it? I am so saving the date for the next one, must keep my eyes open, I was rather late to this years one…

So from being barren in books, I am now abundant in them and I went to Book Club last night and the library yesterday afternoon. Now to find some hours to dedicate to my books!

I read Isabel Losada’s ‘ The Battersea Park Road to Paradise over this weekend which I thoroughly enjoyed. I first discovered her many years ago with For Tibet with Love, which was a fantastic read and the The Battersea Park Road to Enlightenment. You can check out her website here.

Next up is a light hearted read from Erica James Promises Promises. I really enjoy her writing, easy to read and written from the heart. Again, about real life.

I am also waiting eagerly for Allegiant (third in the Divergent series by Veronika Roth) which is being published in October! Can’t wait!! If you haven’t read the first two yet, best get yourself a copy, brilliant stuff!

And after being at the library on Saturday, I have placed my order to read Perfect by Rachel Joyce. Loved The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry, so would love to read this next one by her. Has anyone read it yet?

As for the Christmas in July Bookswop, please let me know,( if you haven’t already) that you have received your parcels in the post! Thanks!

And that is about if for now, I am off to bed to peruse my novel, see you at Book Club!

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One Response to “Random Bookish news”

  1. I also went there last week! Got 10 books for R80. I also got Wolf, Wolf, but the Afrikaans edition. Saw The Watch but didn’t buy it since I’d already read it. Definitely a good book though!

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