Musings of a South African Bookworm

sharing my love of books with a special focus on SA literature

Back to Reality

on January 12, 2014

What a Lovely holiday I have had! In fact, I have managed to get into the zone and I have to admit that I could do with a little longer…. Though I fear if I did have any longer, my belly would so not be happy with me as I have just been eating and eating and eating. ( A good thing about that is that I have managed to pick up my weight which I had lost at the end of last year due to stress so I no longer look gaunt and my clothes fit me again, yay).

But apart from eating well, in-between I have formed a love affair with Lays salt and pepper crisps and watermelon and in-between that, chocolate! Tomorrow starts the No Bad Snacking, working out and being as healthy as can be! Then in another weeks time, I will omit caffeine from my diet and only have it on occasion. (its amazing how much more energy I have when I don’t do coffee…)

I recently purchases Its All Good by Gwyneth Paltrow and it is exactly what it says on the cover, All Good. The recipes are easy to use, the food tastes great and its not bad for you! I have made her ‘candy bars’ which are healthy treats, full of nuts and coconut and topped with chocolate. Delicious! I also tried her almond butter biscuits but I didn’t have almond butter and wasn’t prepared to pay R160 for a jar, so used peanut butter instead. They taste just like peanut butter cookies, yum!

Green juice will become a staple again, if thats one thing I can recommend on a daily basis, its green juice!

Right enough about food, I am not sure how this turned into a food post but anyway I will end off with a quick update as to what my holiday consisted of:

* BIL’s 50th Birthday Party (still waiting on photos from my sister as I didn’t take any…)

* Spending some QT with my brother

* Hiking up Lions Head with my daughter. Was Awesome and will so be doing it again!

* A quiet Christmas

* Having some quality alone time and spending some time on me

* Movies, went to watch Frozen, thought was fab!

* Went shopping in the sales

And spent this last week beginning the wake up to Monday. And yes, I am ready!

Are you??


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2 Responses to “Back to Reality”

  1. Robyn, I am so glad you had some super fun times. Wishing you a wondefful year.

  2. Shayne says:

    Can you believe I have still not sorted through the party pics.

    Must do.

    Glad to hear that you have picked up the weight that you needed to, although I never thought you were looking gaunt.

    Have you been to the Typo sale? believe it’s amazing. planning on going there in 2 weeks time in PE.

    Love you lots xx

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