Musings of a South African Bookworm

sharing my love of books with a special focus on SA literature

Vision Board

on January 3, 2014

So, we are 3 days in to  2014 and on FB, there are peoples ‘words’ coming out, I have to admit to this being one of my favourite times of the year in regards peoples words.  Mine is the same as  another blogger, but we can’t help that;-) Last year, my word was dream. This year, my word is brave. And yes, this year I need to BE brave, FEEL brave and DO brave. In most aspects of my life actually. Lets see:

Physical: i need to be brave in my Silks, both with doing drops, and with the duet  work. I have high aims for myself in regards this, I just need to BE BRAVE. Trust my body. I need to teach myself how to do the snatch with the kettle bell so I can officially get my kettle bell trainer certificate.

Emotional: I need to feel brave and decipher what on earth is going on in my relationship and if needs be, am I brave enough to ‘let it go’.

Spiritual: I need to be brave and step out of my comfort zone, I need to fill my cup, feed my soul and tend to my garden

Intellectual: Definitely need to add in some extra brain work this year! Again, brave enough to trust that the funds will come so that the two courses I am aiming to do this year, will be done. 1 being the Yoga for Kids course and 2nd Plant Essences. ( I have wanted to learn about Plant Essences for years now, but have just never done anything about it since a good  almost 10 years ago. Now is the time to be brave and do brave!)

Work: I need to be brave and go for it! – Which I have done, now keeping the faith while growing and trusting in the process.

Play: Definitely need to play more with my daughter. it doesn’t take a lot, a few tickles and some down time. There will be a bit more ‘free’ time in my days from now on, working from home. I also definitely need to chill out a bit more and laugh more with her. She is growing up so quickly that I really want to capture each moment as much as I can can. Even amidst my bad moods, my grumpiness, tiredness or need for alone time.

Balance: I am hoping this year, there will be even more balance between all aspects. Again, trusting, having faith and being brave.

I leave you with this:

Today, I was looking in the mirror bemoaning the fact that my skin has been Sun Hit, and my daughter said to me: Your face is beautiful mommy.  And it doesnt matter what you look like on the outside, you are beautiful on the inside. I replied, thank you for reminding me.

I am blown away by her beauty and the fact that my words do have an impact on her even if I don’t think so.

And though this may not be a vision board per se, ( I have decided that I would like to do one of those this year, I may just do it on pinterest) it is the start to actually figuring out what I hope this year will bring with it.

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5 Responses to “Vision Board”

  1. Julia says:

    BRAVE is an awesome word. I hardly think you need to worry that it’s the same word as a friends. If I do a search on my word then I’ll probably find at least 1000 people also being FEARLESS. I LOVE what you’re planning this year and I started with the vision board and got distracted. Mmmm….maybe I should do it on Pinterest and print it afterwards? That’s a great idea. Thanks!

  2. I love your word…it is the same as Cat’s. I will pray for lots of courage for both of you to face the things and make the changes that you need to, to live up to this brave word. xxx

  3. Thank you Lynette! Making changes is always hard until its done.

  4. Julia, I have never done a vision board, but I just thought that maybe it would be a good idea…! try and figure it out, you know?

  5. Julia says:

    Hey, I found these downloadable BRAVE quotes for you if you’re interested:

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