Musings of a South African Bookworm

sharing my love of books with a special focus on SA literature

Children’s Books

on May 16, 2014

I go through stages where I like to read children’s books, it also helps that I have a 6 year old daughter who loves books too! Here are a couple that we have read lately and that you should enjoy, either as an adult OR reading to your child:-)

The BFG – Roald Dahl

Would you believe that I don’t actually remember reading Roald Dahl as a child? I am sure I must have read something by him, but really cannot remember. This was a thoroughly enjoyable book and my daughter enjoyed it too. The BFG stands for the ‘Big Friendly Giant’ and the story is about a little girl in an orphanage who sees the BFG blowing something into peoples windows of their houses. The BFG sees her seeing him and comes to carry her away to the land where he lives. Luckily Sophie was taken by the friendly giant and Not a man eating one. The story follows Sophie and the BFG and how they save the world from the man eating giants. I don’t think one can ever be too old to read Roald Dahl!

Matilda – Roald Dahl

This was an interesting and enjoyable novel about an unloved little girl who is a genius. Matilda is able to read at the age of four (and I love the list of books that gets included that she reads) and has magical powers which she uses to keep her and her friends safe from Mrs Trunchbull, the extremely nasty headmistress of the school she goes to. The only thing about reading this book to a 6 year old is that there are many words which need to be explained! Which is not a bad thing, just a time consuming one;-)

Both of these books have been made into movies, which I didn’t realise, but according to Wikipedia there will be a new version of The BFG being made this year and released in 2015. Sounds like it could be quite fun to watch!

Did you read Roald Dahl as a child or as an adult?

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2 Responses to “Children’s Books”

  1. Oh, yeah. A few years ago I made my parents buy me a Roald Dahl anthology for Christmas. I also own a Puffins Classic box set of clothbound children’s books. I really like children’s books and want to re-read some of the ones I read ages ago. And BFG is AMAZING!

  2. I also love children’s books, I am currently reading The Fire Chronicle second in the series to The Emerald Atlas. Enjoying! and hoping to finish by the end of the weekend. Loved the BFG!

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