Musings of a South African Bookworm

sharing my love of books with a special focus on SA literature

Monday Reviews

on May 12, 2014

Its that time of week again where I tell you how great the books I have read are…


The Last Rhino – Lawrence Anthony

After reading The Elephant Whisperer by Lawrence Anthony I was drawn to his other books. I was just amazed at how he lived with his elephants and believe he is an inspiration for us all. And I reserved both Babylon Zoo and The Last Rhino from the library. Last week I read The Last Rhino and it truly was an amazing account of one mans desire to make a difference. I find it quite sad how the Rhino is becoming extinct just because of some superstitious belief that its horn can heal. Read this book, in some ways it makes one feel embarrassed to be part of the human race and yet on the other hand, so proud to know that there are people who do believe that we can do something about it. Read it. I didn’t realise that Lawrence Anthony had died! A commenter on FB mentioned it and I was so sad to hear that such an incredible man who did such incredible things had passed on. And that the elephants came to pay homage to the man who had helped them made me feel so humble.

The Fault in our Stars – John Green

I first came across this book about a year or so ago when it first came out. I vividly remember standing at Exclusive Books reading the first few pages and then deciding against buying it because of the Cancer theme. I went and bought it for book club last week because almost everyone I know has read it and raved about it. So, I decided to bite the bullet and read about an ‘uncomfortable’ subject and I adored it! What a beautiful book! I really enjoyed how he portrayed Life. Even though this is a young adult book, and a love story to boot, it doesn’t read like a willy nilly love story with characters that just irritate. It is a great expression of how we as humans deal with what life throws at us and how we can get fixated on an idea of something. I really enjoyed it!

Have you read either of these? What did you think?


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