Musings of a South African Bookworm

sharing my love of books with a special focus on SA literature

Friday night review chatter… and now I am off to read…

on September 12, 2014

Can I just say that time is flying by at a rate of knots?!! Half way through September it is already, its madness.

Amidst this craziness of life, I am managing to get some reading time in, thank goodness, I don’t think I would stay sane if I didn’t… I read and finished I am Pilgrim by Terry Hayes, though it took me just under two weeks to finish it, which for me is crazy long. 800 odd pages and considering that I mainly read at night time – currently cutting into my reading time right now by blogging – by the time I had read about 10 pages I was ready for sleep, thats how busy the weeks have been!

So, what did I think?

After reading much hype about the book on a FB book group, I was quite amped to read this book. Luckily for me, our book club got it in for this month and I was the second to read it.  I enjoyed it, I thought the story was very clever, I enjoyed the back stories (which I think was the annoying part for some readers) as I think it made you understand the characters better. I like how the main character – Pilgrim, deduced where to go from ‘random’ clues and how everything was interconnected and intertwined. I was a leetle disappointed in the book, but only because there was a huge amount of hype and I guess I was expecting some huge bombshell at the end which didn’t occur BUT not That disappointed that I didn’t enjoy the book. Would I read his next book? Yes, I dare say I would:-) I guess I should do a more of an in-depth review of this book, so will edit that in over the weekend…

What was your verdict?

I am  now on Haruki Murakami – Colourless Tsukuru Tazaki and his Years of Pilgrimage which I honestly cannot say whether I am enjoying or not. Ok, thats not quite truthful. I am enjoying it, I mostly enjoy his books as they are rather odd, a little surreal and generally my cup of tea but with 20 odd pages left to go in this one, I am still not sure. I guess I will have my verdict once I am done. Which I will once I head off to bed and finish it….

So, on that note, I will leave you to your Friday night and check back in over the weekend with my verdict and what ever else I can remember reading in-between these two;-)

I hope you manage to get many joyful reading hours in this weekend!

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Friday night review chatter... and now I am off to read..., 10.0 out of 10 based on 1 rating

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