Musings of a South African Bookworm

sharing my love of books with a special focus on SA literature

Selling Lipservice.

on March 3, 2018



South African author, Tammy Baikie wrote the Dinaane Debut Fiction Award in  2016 with Selling Lipservice. Published by Jacana Media and released in May 2017, this book is one that begs to be read.

Likened to Lauren Beukes, which originally attracted me to reading this, but it was the premise of the story which sold me. Read the blurb –

“Since coming of haemorrh-age, Frith must wear a LipService patch to write or speak. The words the patch produces are not her own. Scripted by copywriters, they promote one sponsoring brand or another. With them, ‘You’ – a voice in her head that is the patch’s brand persona and her conformist alter ego – appears. 

Through the noise of You talking a variety of different LipService brands, Frith struggles to find her way back to speaking for herself. She believes her tastures – her ability to taste things she touches – are the key. But other elements of this consumerist society are equally interested in tastures for commercial gain.”

The blurb tantalised my read buds, and having dipped my eyeballs into this, I was led into an interesting and unique land, of words, of opinions and of ideas which in this current age felt rather too apt in its originality. The idea that we are born and raised to speak a brand and our original thoughts and language are squashed into submission is somewhat real.  This book made me think of 1984 by George Orwell, and to an extent this was a dystopian novel, realistically, I think this could become a future.

Tammy co-joins words to words to form newly originated words which blends seamlessly together to create a quirky and original language of her own. This book does require some brain power, as it is similar (sort of) to learning a new language, and you do have to concentrate a little. Her world drew me in, engaged me thoroughly and spat me out on the other side,  feeling windswept, amazed, and blown away by her talent.

I loved it, but I don’t think it will be every body’s literature landscape. If you are feeling intrigued, give it a go, and do let me know what you think?

I received this book from Jacana Media in exchange for an honest review.

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