The Local Lit Scene

celebrating South African Literature beyond our past

And the winner is…

on November 5, 2009

The winner for our very first giveaway is:

Paige from amillionmilesfromnormal and this is her winning comment –

if i won this book i would first have to go out and get horribly drunk to celebrate, because i never win anything. then i would greedily devour it from cover to cover. then in a final act of celebration and book nerdiness i would put it into my book club and force ten other unsuspecting voracious readers to dig in.
so you see you’d be affecting many lives in a possitive way. not just one. oh and you’d be boosting the economy cos i’d have to buy lots and lots of whiskey. see, it’s win win.

So, Paige, it looks like you’ll be devouring the contents of ‘The Reluctant Passenger’ soon…

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5 Responses to “And the winner is…”

  1. paige says:

    i can’t believe i won. very exciting. whiskey to follow. yay! thanks book club blog, you guys rock!

  2. paige says:

    i just picked the book up from the post office. thanks book club blog. books make me happy. am on page 15 already, and so far, so fab. looking forward to a big read tonight.
    thanks again.

  3. paige says:

    Hey, i just finished it. it was alright, completely unexpected and quite graphic in some parts. there were bits i enjoyed more than others, but it definitely held my attention for all 400 odd pages. thanks book club blog, i’ll be adding it in to my book club this week.


  4. It was unexpected wasnt it? I think thats what I enjoyed so much about it, and the fact it was Cape Town based so knew the areas he was talking about. Love that in a book! Hope your book club enjoys it!

  5. […] from normal. But, Paige has also been a winner at The Book Club Blog for a couple of giveaways (here and here) as well as being  one of our major contributors to The Book Raiser we did for Christmas […]

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