Musings of a South African Bookworm

sharing my love of books with a special focus on SA literature

Book review – The Angina Monologues

on July 12, 2010

The Angina Monologues by Rosamund Kendal is her second novel(her first being ‘The Karma Suture’) depicting the lives of female doctors doing their first year year of community service in the rural parts of South Africa.

The story tells us of the lives of three female doctors finding love, courage and compassion as they do their residency at a rural hospital.

Pampered, spoilt Rachel struggles to establish her independence and learns to love across the cultural divide. Conservative, beautiful Seema struggles to end a relationship that has become increasingly abusive. And street-savvy Nomsa finally learns to accept a past she has spent a lifetime denying.

I really enjoyed this book, as much as I did her first one and it shows the state of rural hospitals in the ‘third world’ How AIDS is still a ‘silent death’ and how with compassion much can be overcome.

I urge you to read this book, if only for the ‘seeing’ what it is like in hospitals. I know I would not be able to be a doctor, but have huge respect for those that are and the work that they do.

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6 Responses to “Book review – The Angina Monologues”

  1. Shayne says:

    Send it to me? Please? Do you have my other one (the first one?) xxx

  2. I don’t have your one, I read it at your house on one of my holidays at yours.
    And I wish I could send you this one, but its a library copy:-(

  3. Louise says:

    I bought this book for our Book Club this month-absolutely loved it, literally could not put it down to the point that I stayed up all night to read it. Fantastic read, same kind of enjoyable as Grey’s Anatomy while dealing with very real South African issues.

  4. Oh I loved her first book and I am so glad there’s another one! On my to read list.

  5. Louise and Cat, that’s exactly how I felt!

  6. […] halfway for a while, it was just a bit too much to deal with all in one sitting (in between I read The Angina Monologues and Sapho’s Leap – review to be up soon) but last night I finished […]

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