Musings of a South African Bookworm

sharing my love of books with a special focus on SA literature

Monday Reviews

Its that time of week again where I tell you how great the books I have read are…


The Last Rhino – Lawrence Anthony

After reading The Elephant Whisperer by Lawrence Anthony I was drawn to his other books. I was just amazed at how he lived with his elephants and believe he is an inspiration for us all. And I reserved both Babylon Zoo and The Last Rhino from the library. Last week I read The Last Rhino and it truly was an amazing account of one mans desire to make a difference. I find it quite sad how the Rhino is becoming extinct just because of some superstitious belief that its horn can heal. Read this book, in some ways it makes one feel embarrassed to be part of the human race and yet on the other hand, so proud to know that there are people who do believe that we can do something about it. Read it. I didn’t realise that Lawrence Anthony had died! A commenter on FB mentioned it and I was so sad to hear that such an incredible man who did such incredible things had passed on. And that the elephants came to pay homage to the man who had helped them made me feel so humble.

The Fault in our Stars – John Green

I first came across this book about a year or so ago when it first came out. I vividly remember standing at Exclusive Books reading the first few pages and then deciding against buying it because of the Cancer theme. I went and bought it for book club last week because almost everyone I know has read it and raved about it. So, I decided to bite the bullet and read about an ‘uncomfortable’ subject and I adored it! What a beautiful book! I really enjoyed how he portrayed Life. Even though this is a young adult book, and a love story to boot, it doesn’t read like a willy nilly love story with characters that just irritate. It is a great expression of how we as humans deal with what life throws at us and how we can get fixated on an idea of something. I really enjoyed it!

Have you read either of these? What did you think?


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Monday Morning Reviews

With life being so busy lately, its amazing that I actually have time to read! but read I have with one that stands out from the rest. So much so, that I really am frustrated that the next book out is only available in June. I thought it had already been published. Luckily, I guess June is really not all that long to wait, can you believe at the rate this year is flying by? So before I get distracted, my favourite book in the last month has been:


The Cuckoo’s Calling by Robert Galbraith aka JK Rowling.

I don’t know how many of you read Harry Potter, but I was a great fan. LOVED the books,(didn’t really enjoy the movies- as well done as they were) so when The Casual Vacancy was released, I was just as excited as the next fan but I never actually read it. Why? I guess I had heard to many varying opinions on the book. Also, I tried the first couple of pages and didn’t seem to be my cup of tea, though I will eventually get round to reading it properly. Anyhoo, so when The Cuckoo’s Calling came out, I didn’t pay it much heed, then it was recommend to read on The Book Club Blog’s FB page and then it came out in the library so I reserved a copy and then I read it. And Wow, I really enjoyed it. Classic JK in the fact that it is JUST SO READABLE. The main character Cormoran Strike is interesting, the case he needs to solve is interesting, the back drop is interesting and it kept me going back for more. I was very lucky that I had it out on a long weekend where I was away from my usual routine so had a lot more time to read, and I couldn’t put it down (unless I really really had to). So whats it about? Cormoran Strike is a down and out private detective who has just broken up with his girlfriend, gets a new case trying to find out if the model that fell from her balcony to her death was a murder or suicide.. He is  a very likeable, unique and  someone you can’t help having a soft spot for, character and reigns you in to his story. You know when you keep thinking about a character after you have finished reading a book? Well, thats the case on this book. Which means I am looking forward to the next book in the series, and was highly annoyed when I realised I still had to wait another monthish for it to come out;-)!

The Goldfinch by Donna Tart

I have never read Donna Tart before and to be honest wasn’t particularly keen to try her new book but I read a good review and when I was in the bookstore, I read the first few pages, which had me wanting more so again, my library got it in, I reserved a copy and then loaned it out when it was my turn. My first problem with this book was that it was a tome of a book to read AND it took me just under two weeks, TWO WEEKS to read this book! Now, for those of you who know me, I am a fairly fast reader and I enjoy reading at a good pace, in-between life and work. But TWO weeks, was for me a bit long to keep going at a book. If it had taken me longer, I might just have left it dangling…but I couldn’t, I had to find out what happened in the end! So what’s it about? In a nutshell about a orphaned boy throughout his life from when he was orphaned to his being much older, wizened and  I’d even go so far as to say a little broken down by life. Which is not really surprising considering his start but also made me think about how we make the choices that we do. This is a part novel part philosophical book. What I enjoyed about it was the unlikely friendship between and older antique restorer gentleman and the young boy and the how it shapes his passion and the talk about the antiques and famous paintings. Also, how the standoffishness of the main character is paralleled with how he ‘feels’ empty in his life.I have to admit to having found it a little long winded at times but all in all an enjoyable book. Not for the faint hearted though.

Before I Met You by Lisa Jewell

Lisa Jewell is another author who I normally really enjoy for her easy light reading books, perfect for escaping the day with but this was not my most favourite of hers. It was a little mundane for my liking. So, what’s it about? A young girl looks after her step grandmother during her last  years of life and at the reading of the will discover someone nobody knows who she is or how she was connected to the grandmother. Therein lies the story of how the granddaughter goes about finding her and what the circumstances surrounding her were. This is the back drop to the story and was my favourite part. The ‘main’ part of the story I found a little unbelievable and over the top but easy reading enough. If you are looking for a light read and enjoy the 1920’s era, give it a go, you may find you enjoy it more than I did:-)

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Currently: AND a catch up

Oh My Word, and suddenly we are at the end of March already! Goodness, this year is flying by without a hand brake.

So, because I have been so slack lately I thought I would do a Currently: and catch up post in one.

Feeling: sore arms and gluet from a triple Pilates session and silks

Loving: the cooler weather and slow entrance into Autumn

Trying: to get in some extra playtime with Bean

Working: on cardio lesson plans for Love Pilates

Enjoying: working on my body for the upcoming silks showcase in August

Eating: High fat and Low carb BUT I have been eating chocolate AND went out to share cake this morning with a group of girlfriends BUT can feel the difference in my energy levels with eating more fat AND don’t need to snack often!

Drinking: way too much coffee, thoroughly enjoying the Trebodore Coffee which comes in all sorts of delicious flavours

Coveting: some new clothes for Winter, really do need some interesting and funky clothes

Wishing: there were more hours in the night to sleep

Reading: The Happiness Project, which is greatly inspiring and have already implemented some changes into my life.

For the last couple of weekends, I have been sitting in on a Prime Movement Pilates Course which has been extremely interesting and have been exposed to some new ideas which have really changed the way I think and move.

It was my daughters birthday a couple of weekends ago and she turned 6! She really is the most beautiful little girl, inside and out and I am really enjoying watching her grow into herself. We got her report last week and had our teacher parent meeting which was fabulous as she has settled well into school(I was a bit concerned about the size of the class compared to her previous school) and she was one of the few children who got 5’s in her report for maths and reading. It just goes to show I am not biased when I think she has a brain on her;-)

Work is going well, I am loving working from home, having extra time in the days to spend with Bean and not having to rush around quite so much any more. My clients are lovely and the new ones are beginning to feel the benefits of Pilates in their own bodies, which really make my job worthwhile.

I will be doing a Wall Springs course in April together with my partner in crime to add some new elements into the Pilates schedule and I am highly looking forward to learning some new information.

On a completely arbitrary note, I am extremely tired at the moment for no apparent reason. I had my iron levels checked, all fine and so decided to have a Vit B shot, so am hoping that will bring that extra spring back into my step.

And you? How are you doing?


Monday Morning Reviews

Goodness, the time is just dissapearing at a rather rapid pace at the moment, it feels like there is just not enough time to read at the moment! But I have managed to read a couple of good books lately. The first was:

The Elephant Whisperer – Lawrence Anthony

This was a beautiful read! I am always amazed at how some people just have a natural affinity to live in Africa’s bush and be with wild animals. To stand in that awesomeness which is the wild. This book looks at how Lawrence takes in a herd of angry at humans elephants and how they begin to trust him. It is an awe inspiring book and I urge you read it.

Making Finn – Susan Newham-Blake

This is also a true story about a woman who finally deals with the fact that she prefers woman to men and consolidates that with her need for having a baby. I really enjoyed this book as it shows the anxst of dealing with two opposing ideas of what we think of as ‘normal’. It also tells us of her baby making process…I would highly recommend it.

Inferno – Dan Brown

This typical Dan Brown, about how a scientist takes on the world, with a virus, which no one knows about until the very last minute, in order to cull the population. High speed and high energy with a much art and architecture thrown in for good measure. I enjoyed it, and I think even if you haven’t read any of his books before you should enjoy it. I have to admit to skim reading through some of his book though when the descriptions were a little too long winded. Based on Dante’s Inferno, this is an interesting read. If you have read it, what did you think?

And now onto you, what have you read lately, anything good??


Snail Mail


I LOVE  getting things in the post! Be it a parcel or a letter (personal not bill related…) and this year I have decided to TRY and be more thoughtful and send mail. I have already decided that my party invites will be snail mail delivered, (now just to come up with an invite and decision on what I am doing for my birthday- I love celebrating, in case you hadn’t noticed…) and I would like to randomly write to people. I don’t mean long involved letters, just a note here and there or a small gift which I think might suit somebody.

Funny that I had this thought at the same time that Facebook has a thing going around at the moment where you sign up for a random something in the mail… So, if any of my readers fancy getting something randomly in the post, please would you email me your physical addresses? You can go to the submit review section on this sight or you can just leave it in the comments or inbox me on FB.

I also want my daughter to receive things/letters in the post so if you have a child that would like to converse with my daughter that would be just awesome too. She is going on 6 and we check the post box every day and she has just understood the concept that in order to receive a letter, we need to write a letter.

So, if anyone is interested, please yell!

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January: currently


planning my birthday party which is coming up next month, yippee

going to work tomorrow, after 5 weeks off from massaging, I think my hands are going to feel it

becoming addicted to interesting earrings

watching Downton Abbey and loving it, heading onto season 3

reading Shadow of Night by Deborah Harkness

listening to my daughter sing to her favorite song from Frozen (beautiful and clearly resonates with her!)

celebrating fact that my daughter is such a beautiful soul

loving LIFE

eating all sorts of different lentil dishes, healthy options and NOT eating sugar

enjoying my first cuppa coffee in the mornings, freshly ground and individually  bodum-ed

wearing right now, my swimming costume, so very hot today and had to take a dunk

collecting quirky little bowls, love the uniqueness of them

working on getting new clients into the studio

trying to come up with a fabulous inexpensive Valentines idea for the studio

feeling a little sore after a wisdom tooth removal this afternoon

waiting for the numbing sensation of said tooth removal to wear off so I can eat my dinner (lentil and quinoa burgers…)

wishing I could afford a plane ticket (but that WILL be happening this year!)


Back to Reality

What a Lovely holiday I have had! In fact, I have managed to get into the zone and I have to admit that I could do with a little longer…. Though I fear if I did have any longer, my belly would so not be happy with me as I have just been eating and eating and eating. ( A good thing about that is that I have managed to pick up my weight which I had lost at the end of last year due to stress so I no longer look gaunt and my clothes fit me again, yay).

But apart from eating well, in-between I have formed a love affair with Lays salt and pepper crisps and watermelon and in-between that, chocolate! Tomorrow starts the No Bad Snacking, working out and being as healthy as can be! Then in another weeks time, I will omit caffeine from my diet and only have it on occasion. (its amazing how much more energy I have when I don’t do coffee…)

I recently purchases Its All Good by Gwyneth Paltrow and it is exactly what it says on the cover, All Good. The recipes are easy to use, the food tastes great and its not bad for you! I have made her ‘candy bars’ which are healthy treats, full of nuts and coconut and topped with chocolate. Delicious! I also tried her almond butter biscuits but I didn’t have almond butter and wasn’t prepared to pay R160 for a jar, so used peanut butter instead. They taste just like peanut butter cookies, yum!

Green juice will become a staple again, if thats one thing I can recommend on a daily basis, its green juice!

Right enough about food, I am not sure how this turned into a food post but anyway I will end off with a quick update as to what my holiday consisted of:

* BIL’s 50th Birthday Party (still waiting on photos from my sister as I didn’t take any…)

* Spending some QT with my brother

* Hiking up Lions Head with my daughter. Was Awesome and will so be doing it again!

* A quiet Christmas

* Having some quality alone time and spending some time on me

* Movies, went to watch Frozen, thought was fab!

* Went shopping in the sales

And spent this last week beginning the wake up to Monday. And yes, I am ready!

Are you??



Vision Board

So, we are 3 days in to  2014 and on FB, there are peoples ‘words’ coming out, I have to admit to this being one of my favourite times of the year in regards peoples words.  Mine is the same as  another blogger, but we can’t help that;-) Last year, my word was dream. This year, my word is brave. And yes, this year I need to BE brave, FEEL brave and DO brave. In most aspects of my life actually. Lets see:

Physical: i need to be brave in my Silks, both with doing drops, and with the duet  work. I have high aims for myself in regards this, I just need to BE BRAVE. Trust my body. I need to teach myself how to do the snatch with the kettle bell so I can officially get my kettle bell trainer certificate.

Emotional: I need to feel brave and decipher what on earth is going on in my relationship and if needs be, am I brave enough to ‘let it go’.

Spiritual: I need to be brave and step out of my comfort zone, I need to fill my cup, feed my soul and tend to my garden

Intellectual: Definitely need to add in some extra brain work this year! Again, brave enough to trust that the funds will come so that the two courses I am aiming to do this year, will be done. 1 being the Yoga for Kids course and 2nd Plant Essences. ( I have wanted to learn about Plant Essences for years now, but have just never done anything about it since a good  almost 10 years ago. Now is the time to be brave and do brave!)

Work: I need to be brave and go for it! – Which I have done, now keeping the faith while growing and trusting in the process.

Play: Definitely need to play more with my daughter. it doesn’t take a lot, a few tickles and some down time. There will be a bit more ‘free’ time in my days from now on, working from home. I also definitely need to chill out a bit more and laugh more with her. She is growing up so quickly that I really want to capture each moment as much as I can can. Even amidst my bad moods, my grumpiness, tiredness or need for alone time.

Balance: I am hoping this year, there will be even more balance between all aspects. Again, trusting, having faith and being brave.

I leave you with this:

Today, I was looking in the mirror bemoaning the fact that my skin has been Sun Hit, and my daughter said to me: Your face is beautiful mommy.  And it doesnt matter what you look like on the outside, you are beautiful on the inside. I replied, thank you for reminding me.

I am blown away by her beauty and the fact that my words do have an impact on her even if I don’t think so.

And though this may not be a vision board per se, ( I have decided that I would like to do one of those this year, I may just do it on pinterest) it is the start to actually figuring out what I hope this year will bring with it.


2014 here we come!

Goodness, I can almost not believe that it is 2 days until 2014! What  a year!

I thought I should do a year end post with the remarkable things that happened and didnt happen this year…

* We moved into our house that we plan to buy ( didn’t happen this year)

* I participated in the Aerial Silks Showcase doing fancy schmancy things on silks!

* My daughter finished Playschool and starts Grade R next year

* I started teaching at my own home studio and have slowly started growing

* I resigned from teaching at another studio (cue nerves!)

* My sister spent Gemma’s 5th birthday with her and helped me do her cake

* I met Prime Circle and had my stomach autographed;-)

* I will be going to the Rocky Horror Show tomorrow night, but I am sure that will deserve an entire post on its own…!

And so, here is to 2014, may it be an awesome year, with growth, changes, love, confidence and many many blessings. This year, was truly blessed.

And if I don’t post before the first, HAPPY NEW YEAR!



Oh my, I have been a bad blogger

Considering that it is 3 sleeps till Christmas and I haven’t blogged since November sometime. And right now,I should be doing my Sunday sorting but instead I have been on Goodreads, checking how many books I have read this year(about 80) and now, blogging!

What to tell you, lets see,

* I had a two day holiday up in the Eastern Cape with my daughter, brother, sister and her family to enjoy a 50th birthday party, which was great fun! (And we swopped Christmas pressies, ours are under our tree, waiting patiently to be unwrapped…)

* I have resigned from the studio that I have been working at for the last year and a half and am now going solo. A bit nervous, a bit excited, a bit sad but change wouldn’t be change without change….

* And with going solo, I will have another instructor teaching at my studio with me, Very excited about that, I feel all grown up being a ‘boss’

* My daughter is growing up too fast. She has finished playschool and will be heading into Grade R next year. I have her uniform bar for two pairs of shorts which will be purchased in the New Year, stickers for her stationery and again a small feeling of sadness at the leaving of her old school. It truly was a delight to be there. A small farm school with divine teachers. Ah well, we all have to grow up sometimes. ( And I don’t only mean her;-))

* Christmas will be quiet this year, there will just be the four of us at home so will be keeping it simple but hopefully very very tasty!

* I have had a good book reading year, a couple of my faves of the year have been Wool, The hundred year old man, Me before You, The strongest Librarian but I think this needs an entire post on its own…but I think my favourite favourite, was Mr Penumbra’s 24 hour book store.

And with that, I wish you a very merry Christmas and a most blessed New Year! Here’s to all those books we can read in the next year!

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