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Book review – The Broker by John Grisham


Thank you, Cathy for this book review, I know there are many John Grisham fans out there, so if you haven’t yet read this one, best get to your nearest book shop. It sounds great!

John Grisham is famous for his lawyer books… but this one is not one of those.  It’s a jolly good mystery book…. keeps you in suspense as to “who’s going to do it” all along.

The broker is a political guy who ended up in jail then mysteriously got pardoned by the president and shipped to Italy with a whole new identity… now the powers that be sit back and wait to see who will kill him.

John Grisham describes Italy and the tourist scene beautifully… I could so imagine walking the streets and experiencing it all for myself.  I was sad to finish the book and almost wish there was at least another chapter or two as you really get to know the characters so well.

This was a brilliant read.

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