Musings of a South African Bookworm

sharing my love of books with a special focus on SA literature

Requiem – Lauren Oliver (the last installment of the Delirium series)

I have been keeping an eye on my local Exclusive Books for the elusive copy of this book and after eventually deciding to ask the sales person WHEN it would be arriving in store, was told that only the hard cover would be available and they would need to order it in. Then she came back to me to say hold on a minute she may have a copy and well, luckily she did, soft back and not to dear on the wallet either thank goodness…

For my reviews on the first two books go here and here

I was really looking forward to reading this!  But I have to admit to being a little disappointed in the ending. Maybe she has ended it this way so there is possibility for more sequels but I think it could of had a little more oomph in the ending and not leave it ‘hanging’ per se.

I definitely preferred the first two books in the series, the last one was interesting and I still had the ‘want to read’ feeling but I just felt like it didn’t deliver, but saying that, I did enjoy it and though I was expecting a little more from the love triangle in which she ended Pandemonium it was still a fun read and I would recommend reading the entire series. If only for the premise of the book. It really does make some sort of sense in a weird sort of way.

Have you read it? What did you think?


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