Musings of a South African Bookworm

sharing my love of books with a special focus on SA literature

An early Christmas?

So, we are nearing the middle of the year and Christmas is still a long way off. Unless you have a birthday coming up, that means that there is most likely not any chance of getting presents for no real reason.

So, I have come up with an idea and am wondering if any of you, fellow book lovers, would be interested. Read on and then give me your verdict….

I love getting parcels in the post, in fact it is one of my favourite things, and I am sure that most of you would agree with me. This, unfortunately does not happen often enough so, here is my idea.

Sort of like the Book Blogger Holiday Swop, but instead of it being a Christmas holiday present, it can be a Book Swop. Basically, you sign up for it here with details as to where you are willing to post a book to, we can keep it national or make it international, it will depend on the general consensus of all who would like to take part. Then I will give each of you a Parcel Partner and a deadline of posting and walah! you give and receive a book but find it in your post box.  It needn’t be a newly purchased book, it can be a gently used book of whatever tickles your fancy. An author that you greatly admire and would love someone to read him/her, or if your Parcel Partner is interested in non fiction, that can be posted too. I will get together a form which will find out all the relevant details of each postee, forward on the details to each partner (your details will not be shared with anyone else) and then we get posting.

So, what do you think? Who would like to be a Parcel Partner? Tell me your thoughts in the comments below and then make a decision.

Here’s to Parcels received in the mail…