Musings of a South African Bookworm

sharing my love of books with a special focus on SA literature

Book review -GENE616 by Brian Walker

This review was sent in by Seth Brant.

Just read this book called GENE616 by Brian Walker.

It was the most amazing book I ever read.

In it the author takes the story of the creation as told in Genesis and Revelation as a real record and then tells the story of how the events “described” in the bible really occurred. For example; his explanation for how the garden of Eden got its name was that they were discussing where they would build the biodome or “garden” on the planet’s surface and they picked a spot at the head of four rivers just as described in the bible.

Then another character in the book says that his team conducted a site survey of that area and it is a marshy area and suggests that they contruct the biodome on a dryer spot a little to the east – again just as it reads in the bible. Then when the Captain asks for the map coordinates the officer traces the coordinates on the top and side of the map ED by EN and voila – there you have it – the garden of “Eden.”

The author does the same thing with how the animals got their names, where the name Zion came from, War in Heaven, the number of the beast – even the word GENE sis or in the book GENE 616. If you know your scriptures you will be amazed! It was also a pretty good love story two. Adam and Eve are the ultimate love story and he really does it justice.

I LOVED THIS BOOK. I have read it three times and every time I do I find something new. I highly recommend it to all my friends.

Thanks Seth, I have to say, you have definitely peaked my interest in reading it. I have just done a Kalahari search for it and can’t find it  on their website, and then found it on Amazon for kindle.  So, for you Kindle fundies out there who need something to read, why not give this ago.

Has anyone else read it?

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