Musings of a South African Bookworm

sharing my love of books with a special focus on SA literature

Bestsellers for 2008

on October 25, 2009

This list is compiled by Exclusive Books and is the top 110 bestselling books of 2008.

I found it extremely interesting to see how different this list was compared to the Borders book list. (The ones in bold are the ones that I have read and I get a grand total of 18 and a half!).

Have a look and see how many you get on this one…

  1. Eat, Pray, LoveElizabeth Gilbert
  2. A New EarthEckhart Tolle
  3. The SecretRhonda Byrne
  4. The Monk Who Sold His FerrariRobin Sharma
  5. SpudJohn van de Ruit
  6. The ShackWilliam P. Young
  7. The Kite RunnerKhaled Hosseini
  8. In Black and White: The Jake White StoryJake White, Craig Ray
  9. ShantaramGregory David Roberts
  10. After the PartyAndrew Feinstein
  11. Don’t PanicAlan Knott-Craig
  12. Pirates of PolokwaneZapiro
  13. Spud: The Madness ContinuesJohn van de Ruit
  14. The Tales of Beedle the BardJ.K. Rowling
  15. Dinner with MugabeHeidi Holland
  16. Breaking DawnStephenie Meyer
  17. A Thousand Splendid SunsKhaled Hosseini
  18. Playing the EnemyJohn Carlin
  19. The Book ThiefMarkus Zusak
  20. The AlchemistPaulo Coelho
  21. Some of My Best Friends are WhiteNdumiso Ngcobo
  22. TwilightStephenie Meyer
  23. This Charming ManMarian Keyes
  24. BrisingrChristopher Paolini
  25. The Exclusive Books Children’s Best Books Guide
  26. Screw It, Let’s Do ItRichard Branson
  27. Socrates and the FoxClem Sunter, Chantell Ilbury
  28. New MoonStephenie Meyer
  29. The Snowball: Warren Buffett and the Business of LifeAlice Schroeder
  30. Who Moved My Cheese?Spencer Johnson
  31. Capitalist NiggerChika A. Onyeani
  32. A Thousand Splendid SunsKhaled Hosseini
  33. The Pillars of the EarthKen Follett
  34. The Last LectureRandy Pausch
  35. MontyMark Keohane
  36. A Prisoner of BirthJeffrey Archer
  37. The Power of NowEckhart Tolle
  38. ZhoozshJeremy Mansfield, Jacqui Mansfield
  39. Dreams from My FatherBarack Obama
  40. The Audacity of HopeBarack Obama
  41. In a Different TimePeter Harris
  42. Is it Just Me or is Everything Kak?Tim Richman, Grant Schreiber
  43. FreakonomicsSteven D. Levitt, Stephen J. Dubner
  44. 13 uurDeon Meyer
  45. Platter’s South African Wines 2009
  46. BridaPaulo Coelho
  47. Of Tricksters, Tyrants and TurncoatsMax du Preez
  48. There are Ants in My SugarAnnica Foxcroft
  49. Jamie’s Ministry of FoodJamie Oliver
  50. Rich Dad, Poor DadRobert Kiyosaki
  51. Platter’s South African Wines 2008
  52. EscapeCarolyn Jessop
  53. Around Africa on My BicycleRiaan Manser
  54. To the Brink: The State of Democracy in South AfricaXolela Mangcu
  55. EclipseStephenie Meyer
  56. Guinness World Records 2009
  57. Dark Continent My Black ArseSihle Khumalo
  58. Stealing WaterTim Ecott
  59. Three Letter PlagueJonny Steinberg  (read halfway)
  60. Madam and Eve UnpluggedStephen Francis, Rico
  61. Now, Discover Your StrengthsMarcus Buckingham
  62. Business Stripped BareRichard Branson
  63. A Short History of Nearly EverythingBill Bryson
  64. Think Big and Kick AssDonald Trump
  65. Tuesdays with MorrieMitch Albom
  66. ZumaJeremy Gordin
  67. Change of HeartJodi Picoult
  68. Mense van my asemSteve Hofmeyr
  69. A Long Walk to FreedomNelson Mandela
  70. The QuestWilbur Smith
  71. Karma SutureRosamund Kendal
  72. Optimum Nutrition Made EasyPatrick Holford
  73. Laying Ghosts to RestMamphela Ramphele
  74. The Jews in South Africa: An Illustrated HistoryRichard Mendelsohn, Milton Shain
  75. 7th HeavenJames Patterson
  76. Confessions of an Economic Hit ManJohn Perkins
  77. Roberts Bird GuideHugh Chittenden, Guy Upfold
  78. Op die agterpaaieDana Snyman
  79. For Crying Out LoudJeremy Clarkson
  80. The Arms Deal in Your PocketPaul Holden
  81. Q and AVikas Swarup
  82. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective PeopleStephen R. Covey
  83. Things I Want My Daughter to KnowElizabeth Noble
  84. The Five Love LanguagesGary Chapman
  85. The State of AfricaMartin Meredith
  86. The Girl with the Dragon TattooStieg Larsson
  87. The RaceRichard North Patterson
  88. The Tipping PointMalcolm Gladwell
  89. A Most Wanted ManJohn le Carre
  90. AtonementIan McEwan
  91. The Art of PossibilityRosamund Stone Zander, Benjamin Zander
  92. SailJames Patterson
  93. The Voluptuous Delights of Peanut Butter and JamLauren Liebenberg
  94. Broken WindowJeffery Deaver
  95. The Whole TruthDavid Baldacci
  96. When a Crocodile Eats the SunPeter Godwin
  97. The White TigerAravind Adiga
  98. Good to GreatJim Collins
  99. The AppealJohn Grisham
  100. Meals in MinutesSharon Glass
  101. Thabo Mbeki: The Dream DeferredMark Gevisser
  102. Night Train to LisbonPascal Mercier
  103. The Private PatientP.D. James
  104. CompulsionJonathan Kellerman
  105. OutliersMalcolm Gladwell
  106. Choice, Not FatePippa Green
  107. ScarpettaPatricia Cornwell
  108. Cross CountryJames Patterson
  109. The AppealJohn Grisham
  110. The Persimmon TreeBryce Courtenay
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