Musings of a South African Bookworm

sharing my love of books with a special focus on SA literature

We need you!

on October 15, 2009

First up, I hope that you all enjoyed reading our interview with Michiel Heyns, I have to admit that I enjoyed doing the interview greatly. I felt very honoured that our blog was the platform for his interview and I do hope that we have brought you a ‘new’ author to discover.

As for more interviews, we have several in the pipeline, so please do keep checking back, you will not be dissapointed!

Which brings me to my point:

We need you! We would love to know who you would like to have interviewed on The Book Club Blog. Who would you like to know just a little bit better, why they wrote a particular novel? Which author has blown your skirt up and you have to read everything they ever wrote? Which author wrote something that changed your way of thinking, of relating to the world as you know it?

What we would like you to do, is head on down to the comments section and let us know. Let us know, if you could interview any author, who would it be and what would your question/s be?

This is a book club and there is more than one reader, so let us know, you never know, your questions may just be answered!

We look forward to hearing from you.

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6 Responses to “We need you!”

  1. timeout says:

    Jann Turner, Marian Keyes, Michael Connelly, Tony Parsons, Maria Housden

    And many more but can’t remember their names!

    Whatabout Kathryn Stocket?

  2. Bellezza says:

    I have to think about this. At one time, it would have been Madeleine L’Engle, hands down, but she’s passed on to our Father so I assume she’s talking with Him, now. 😉 How about A.S. Byatt? I have The Children’s Book waiting on my desk, but I love, love, love Possession. Oh, and how about Margaret Atwood? I have a piercing question or two I’d like to ask her about The Robber Bride and Xenia.

    This is such a great blog. It looks like it’s filled with a wealth of information and such exciting goings-on. I can’t wait to visit here all the time, when I’m not rushing off to work. Kudos to you!

  3. Bellezza says:

    Yeah, Kathryn Stockett would be great, too. I’m halfway through The Help now, and so glad to see from your post further down that it’s won an award.

  4. Thank you for your comment! I will certainly keep those authors in mind, I have to be honest, I havent read Margaret Atwood in a good many years! Though I think the last book of hers I read was part of the Myth serious, which was particularly good. OOh, and do tell us how The Childrens Book is, that is def on my too be read list.
    Thanks for visiting and see you again:-)

  5. Angie says:

    What a great idea this blog is! I’ll definitely be visiting often, and may even post a review or two (if I’m allowed!).

  6. Hi Angie, thanks for the visit and yes, please post a review, we look forward to it!

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