Musings of a South African Bookworm

sharing my love of books with a special focus on SA literature

What books are you wanting to find in your Christmas Stocking?

on December 19, 2009

Im off on holiday for a week, yippeee! And I plan to get some reading done…

Huraki Murakami – Blind Willow, Sleeping Women for The Japanese Literature Challenge 3

Trenton Lee Stewart – The Mysterious Society and the Perilous Journey

are the two books on my To Be Read list. I am hoping to get stuck into my sister and my neices bookshelves too as Im sure the last time I was there, I saw a few books that wanted to be fondled and read by new hands and eyes. One I distinctly remember is Phillip Pullman – Northern Lights and the rest of the series. Lets hope I manage to find the time to read it all.

Here’s hoping that you all manage to get some reading done over the holidays. I would love to know what books you are hoping to find in your Christmas Stocking…

Im hoping for The Angels Game – Carlos Ruiz Zafón

Fingers crossed, Santa hears my wish!

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2 Responses to “What books are you wanting to find in your Christmas Stocking?”

  1. liquid pixel says:

    I know it’s a weird choice, but I’ve asked for a book on reptiles…moved to a farm a year ago & am tired of shrieking like a girlie & standing on tables while I try and surf the net on my laptop to find out if the hissing thing lying on the floor being harassed by cats is poisonous or not!

  2. heehee! That made me giggle! I hope you received the book you were hoping for..

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