Musings of a South African Bookworm

sharing my love of books with a special focus on SA literature

The Time Traveller’s Wife – the movie

on August 22, 2010

I was a bit sceptic when I heard that they were making this book by Audrey Niffeneger into a movie so I hadn’t taken much interest in it.

Until yesterday when I traipsed off down to the video store in the pouring rain to find myself something to watch. Scouring the shelves, looking for something to jump out at me and say ‘watch me! watch me!’ I found this movie on the very bottom shelf.

After some pondering decided, hell, why not? May aswell give it a go, though I wasn’t particularly keen considering that most movies I have seen which have been based on books that I have enjoyed have just not had the same effect. Words are definitely my pleasure. Movies are  more for mindless entertainment. (That may just be me though…)

Anyway, so I brought it home with me, and had my evening planned on the couch watching it, with a glass of red wine and a fire blazing.

I was pleasantly surprised! This was a lovely movie. I have to be completely honest and say that I can’t compare it to the book as I cant remember all of it, but it was lovely. I think if one had to watch it without having read the book, it would be just as lovely.

The characters were brilliant and the time travelling made sense, though a thought that they should have ‘present time’ in the top corner when it was real time would of been a help, especially in the beginning;-) But apart from that, I enjoyed it.

A beautiful love story which I think will be as timeless as the book. Leaky seams were the result at the end, and as I do remember the book had the same result, I really was not dissapointed.

Have you seen it?

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2 Responses to “The Time Traveller’s Wife – the movie”

  1. Oh I loved the book -= maybe I should watch the movie.

  2. Alet says:

    I adore the book and I did see the film.

    I think the film was beautiful, but I felt it was rushed and it would be I suppose. I was a bit disappointed with the end, mostly because i really liked the book’s ending.

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