Musings of a South African Bookworm

sharing my love of books with a special focus on SA literature

Another successful giveaway winner…

on June 21, 2011

And here is the winning mystery:

My detective story goes back many many years. My best friend started dating my now husbands best friend. Her dad – a pastor – found out about him and grounded her and wouldnt let me see her for days! Me, being the fantastic detective that I am, shoved a cooler box of food into my car, got my now hubby and her boyfriend into the car and then we drove through to her house and started “investigating”. We parked up on this hill just outside her house, with the car lights off, just edged up enough to view the house. All the lights were off in the house, so her then boyfriend and I decided to sneak around the propery to see if she was ok. This included us jumping over the wall, trying to keep oogies (her tiny maltese poodle) quiet and then knocking on her bedroom window, very quietly.

She wasnt there. They went camping for the weekend!


Well done,Lauren, from Life or Something Like it! Please send me your details so I can get the book to you asap!


And keep your eyes open for our next give away which is international and is part of the LITERARY GIVEAWAY BLOG HOP.  I am just one of sixty blogs which will be giving away a book between the 25th and 29th June. So head on over here and there next week and see if you can win a book!! Happy book blog hopping!


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One Response to “Another successful giveaway winner…”

  1. Lauren G says:

    Thanks so much! I cant wait to get it 😀

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