Musings of a South African Bookworm

sharing my love of books with a special focus on SA literature

The Help – Kathryn Stockett – review

on September 9, 2011

Ok, so I think I was probably one of the last people on the planet to read this book, yes about a year after it had hit every one elses book shelf, it hit mine and here is my verdict…

I really enjoyed it! I thought it was extremely well written on a sensitive subject. The characters were brought to life and you could feel the emotions tugging at your insides as you read the book.  I think as a mother too, it made it even more emotional because the way one of the characters treated her daughter was just too heartbreaking and could see the emotional effect it would later have on her.

One thing which I have always found peculiar with racism and nanny’s is that, it was/is perfectly fine for ladies of colour to feed, clothe and look after your child without passing on any ‘disease’ but share a toilet and hell couldn’t be worse.  I have never understood it and probably never will.

I think this was a book that needed to be written and I am glad that I have read it.

Have you?


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2 Responses to “The Help – Kathryn Stockett – review”

  1. Helene says:

    I was contemplating whether or not to read this book. I am not a big fan of racial topics for I see myself as a person that does not see colour but person. Your review made me reconsider so might just go and buy the book, Will have a look on OneShop: I like a bargain so will see whose go the best prices Loot, Kalahari or Takalot. Thank you for the review 🙂

  2. Pamela says:

    I read this book earlier this year and also love it. I was unsure when I read the story line but was very pleasantly surprised. I would also recommend it.

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