The Book Club Blog

Books for any occasion and other life stuff

Review:Love in the time of Cholera- Gabriel Garcia Marquez

on December 10, 2011

I received this book through the book swap that was done here at The Book Club Blog and my person who sent it to me, Cat, told me it is her favourite Love Story of all time, and one of  her favourite books sitting at no 3.


I have never read him before, so when I found this book in my parcel, I did feel a little daunted but also pleased, because if there was any one reason why I would read this book, it would be because I received it as a gift. And I did read it, it took me longer to read than normal, but I put that down to an extremely hectic last month and severe lack of reading time (about 20minutes at bed time each night) and I enjoyed it.


It definitely is not my usual genre and as I said, felt a bit daunted by it, but it had an interesting story, I did find it a bit bizarre – for those of you who have read it- about how one man can ‘not’ live his life  because of one day getting the love of his life. But I think that is probably just my pessimistic side coming out. The ending was lovely and sad at the same time and just makes you realise how short life really is.  And compare it to my favourite love story ever Jitterbug Perfume by Tom Robbins it is a world apart but yet quite similar. The theme being trying to find eternal life in order to love for longer. You would have to read the books and come to your own conclusions.


I can honestly say that I enjoyed Love in the time of Cholera but it doesn’t beat Jitterbug Perfume in the love story department!


Have you read both, what did you think?


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One Response to “Review:Love in the time of Cholera- Gabriel Garcia Marquez”

  1. Glad you enjoyed it and in fact, Jitterbug perfume is smiling down from my bookshelf. But that is exactly why so many different people like different books. I just like it, but not love it. One has to admit though, that none of the two is the “usual” love story

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