Musings of a South African Bookworm

sharing my love of books with a special focus on SA literature

My opinion on Fifty Shades

on August 30, 2012

So, I read them, yes, the entire series and these are my thoughts:

The whole series reminded me of a Mills and Boon romance novel. Full of steamy s*x, a tall, dark and handsome man and a young woman who has met her ‘soul mate’. I have a couple of theories as to why many women loved it and why it has been likened to ‘mommy porn’.

Theory One

There is alot of s*x, and I think most women either don’t have enough or want more amorous adventures with their significant other. I think it explores fantasies that some women may loath to admit that they even think about. I also think that that particular brand of s*x has been taken ‘out of the closet’ for many women who may know that it does exist, but details it in more depth and almost makes it lose its ‘stigma’.

Theory two

I was discussing this particular thought with my partner, and he managed to put it better than I did, but I will try to get it across neatly… Many people are control freaks (men and women) and in their work lives have to be incredibly controlling in order to function in their high powered positions. This is one aspect that they do not need to control, having a dominant command them to do particular things. It is their way of ‘letting go’ of their control for a while.  This aspect would also appeal to women, especially mothers, because on a daily basis they need to be in control of their work, home and children and the fantasy of having someone take over-even if only in the sexual department, allows them to ‘let go’.

Of course, I could be completely wrong but this is just my opinion from reading the books.

The pros of the series for me was:

Even though Ana liked adventuring into Grey’s world, she was still a strong enough character to stay ‘herself’ when she could so easily have  become a sub and become completely enamoured with the whole lifestyle. I like how she sticks to her guns for some things and yet allows herself to experiment in things that clearly she has become to enjoy.

One of my favourites throughout the series was Ana’s ‘Inner Goddes’ I thought that was probably the funniest and most apt descriptions the entire series had.

I quite enjoyed the actual story line, when it was being told in between all the s*x.

The Cons far outweigh the pros😉

There was faaar to much s*x, but I understand why.

Ana is pretty annoying in her constant ‘oh my’s’ and how Grey’s eyes burn and whadawhadawhada, *yawn*

The ending of the series was too happy- call me cynical, but I really doubt that in real life it would of ended that way- again, Mills and Boon.

The writing really is terrible, and I have to admit to skim reading through at least the second half of the first book and the first half of the third book. Book two was the best of the lot, which is saying a lot considering they were all pretty dreadful.

So, why did I read them? I think its similar to the Twilight series, you just have to! Would I recommend anyone to read them? No, I wouldn’t!

I know what some of you thought of it, but what about the rest of you? Do you agree with any thing I have said?

(and for a particularly hilarious review of the first book go here but beware of Strong language!- Don’t say I didn’t warn you…)

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One Response to “My opinion on Fifty Shades”

  1. Cathy says:

    My husband… who doesn’t read!!… it trying very hard to get me to read these books… and as I don’t and never have enjoyed Mills and Boons… I definitely think I will give them a wide berth and miss out! Thanks for your review which has really sealed this for me.

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