Musings of a South African Bookworm

sharing my love of books with a special focus on SA literature

A Quick Bookish Survey

on December 11, 2012

1.  The book I am currently reading:  Before I forget – Andre Brink.

This is my first Andre Brink book and so far so good, I am not very far into the story as my reading time is limited to just before bed at the moment,but I am intruiged enough to keep reading.

2. The last book I finished:  Emily Green and me – Kathryn White

I have been on a ‘South African author’ reading quest of late, to find more SA authors that I love. This was an interesting and slightly bizarre book. I loved the concept behind the story(After years of illness, 11 year old Emily receives the heart of a seventeen year old boy who died in a motorbike accident.It is both of their stories) and it got under my skin just a little…

3. The next book I want to read is:  Things without a name – Joanne Fedler

I picked this book up at the library yesterday, it sounds interesting.

4. The last book I bought was: Divergent

I went looking for Chrismas Book presents and came out with this! I have heard many things and so for a mere 40 raands, I decided to give it a go. Any one else read it?

5. The last book I was given: The 100 year old man who climbed out of the window and disappeared – Jonas Jonnason

I won this on the last blog hop! Which I didn’t realise until a little while ago (how lucky am I?). It is currently in the postal system so technically I haven’t received it yet, but it has been given to me.

And you? Do answer in the comments or link to your blog.

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