Musings of a South African Bookworm

sharing my love of books with a special focus on SA literature

Book Review – The Waves by Jen Minkman

on July 4, 2014

The Waves is the second in The Island books. You can read my first review here.

Though this book can be a stand alone book, it shows us the other side of the story that we read in The Island, and get an understanding of some of the characters that we meet in The Island. I did enjoy this short book and I have to admit that Jen Minkman does definitely write readable books. Though I do find her books a little under utilised, with regards to the fleshing out of  characters and story line, they are very readable and she manages to draw the reader in to her story so you want to know what happens next.

The third in this series is called The Deep and concludes the story of The Island.

I would recommend this book for teens, and though it is dystopian in form, it is not as hard core as the likes of The Hunger Games etc.

Available in English and Afrikaans on Kalahari, and easy read when you need a quick fix, though I would recommend reading the series in chronological order.

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One Response to “Book Review – The Waves by Jen Minkman”

  1. Jen says:

    Thanks for reviewing! if you want the third book for review too, just let me know 🙂

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