The Local Lit Scene

celebrating South African Literature beyond our past

A month of gratitude

( I posted this on my other blog, so apologies if you are reading it twice)

Giving Thanks.

It is something which should be done daily, but often is neglected until someone reminds us that there is  much to be thank full for.

I followed the November Month of Gratitude by posting on my FB wall that which I was grateful for that day. The thing about conciously being thank full is, it makes you think, even on those ‘bad’ days where everything just seems to be going wrong, or you feel sad and down, that there is ALWAYS something to be thank full for!

What I realised during this month of gratitude:

* how you think affects how life affects you.

* love seems to flow more easily from oneself 

* Becoming more aware of what people mean to you

* AND letting them know. ( Too often we don’t say I love you, because we think we shouldn’t or, will they think I am weird for telling them, or for countless other reasons…!)

* What you give out comes back tenfold!

* Life is less stressful

* Joy should be an everyday occurence, even if it only happens for 5 minutes in that day

* We should give thanks even when we feel there is nothing to give thanks for.

I will be continuing to do my ‘What I am grateful for’s’ as I find it really does up the energy levels in my brain and helps to live life in a Joy full way, even when I am grumpy!!

And you, how did you find it affected you? 

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Bookish gadgets

I am loving these:

Mini Reading lamp in awesome retro colors (I am loving the red!)

Book Page holders (ooh and in Winter ones fingers won’t need to get cold)

 An electronic dictionary book mark (How ingenious!)

All available at your local Exclusive Books!

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What Katie Ate…

I am sure that most of you have heard the buzz of this blogger turned author recipe book which is about to be launched?!

I have to say that the title and the cover image looks tantalizing! I took a peak at her blog over here to get a little bit of a feel for her as I haven’t read her before. Amazing how social media can really bring attention to some things, or should I say people, which is pretty awesome if you think about it!

Anyhoo, have a look here to read all about the book I think it shows it way better than I could!

So, just in case, you still want to get me Christmas gift, this is officially going on my wish list. And if not, my birthday is just around the corner….. well, a 3 month corner….

Then have you seen the new Nigella recipe book?

I bought the Fair Lady the other day as they have an interview with her together with 4 recipes out of this book. Can I just say that I am smitten? I am not the hugest Nigella fan, that would be my neighbour!(who refers to her Nigella cookbooks as her bibles) but  I have to admit to understanding why she would feel this way, so, if you can’t find me a copy of ‘What Katie Ate’ I wouldn’t mind a copy of Nigellissima ( now try saying that fast 5 times…!)

And you? Any particular recipe book you are hoping that Santa will bring?


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Top Ten Toddler Tales

So, Christmas is coming at a rather alarming rate if I may add! But if you are anything like me, where by you love giving and getting books for Christmas, especially for the littlies in your life, this post is for you.


Some of my favorites (and Bean’s) through out this year which I think would make fabulous gifts.

Winnie The Witch

Delilah Darling is in the library

The Incredible Book Eating Boy

Fancy Nancy

The Heart and the Bottle

Princess Poppy


Dewdrop Babies

Princess Smarty Pants

Dr Dog

Last but not least:

The Little Mermaid


There are some fabulous books out there for little people and this list could of been longer… What do you have on your list for toddlers? I am always keen for new books so let me know what your little person loves at the moment.


Secret Santa Book Swop

I have joined in the Secret Santa Book Exchange which is being hosted via The broke and the bookish. Please go here for all the details if you would like to join in.

What I would like to know though is if any of you who reside in South Africa are keen to do our own Secret Santa book swop (not international).  We have done a similar one before which was a great success, but do let me know in the comments if you are interested and we can get one going. 

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Top Ten Bookish Things Wish List

Love, Sex, Fleas, God: Confessions of a Stay-at-home Dad – Bruce Clark. I really really want to read this book!

The Unlikely Pilgramige of Harold Fry – Rachel Joyce. I really like the premise of this story and am itching to read it.

The Casual Vacancy – JK Rowling . Well, I think one has to read it, whether it is any good or not!

Pilates Rael Isacoiwtz. Very much so  would like this Pilates book

Jasper Fforde – The Song of the Quarkbeast. The second in the Last Dragonslayer series. Loved the first one.

One of our Thursdays are missing.I am way behind in this series as the next installment has already been released.

The Woman who died a lot. The next in the series!!

Attack of the Deranged Mutant Killer Monster Snow Goons – Calvin and Hobbes. One of the few that I don’t own. My favorite cartoons!

7 Days – Deon Meyer. I thoroughly enjoyed 13 hours, this will be my second of his to read.

Wilton Cake decor mags. Any Any Any of them!

So, whats on your Bookish Wish List for this year?

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Awesome illustrator and children’s book writer…


Picture taken from here

And if you haven’t heard of him or read any of his books,  doesn’t matter what age you are, the Where Have You Been Hiding?

My latest favourite of his is:

 The Incredible Book Eating Boy, is just filled with delicious morsels of booky yumminess. It appeals to my sense of bookishness and to the idea behind knowledge.  Read it yourself, or to your little ones. I plan on giving this one as a Christmas gift to a lovely little boy I know.

Others that you may have seen or read are Lost and Found and Up and Down

About a boy and his Penguin friend. Too Delightful! Focusing on the idea of friendship, and I love love love them.

How to Catch a Star, is probably a well know favourite too.

Well, I am officially in love with his books, his words and his art. And if you know of any little people(or big ones for that matter) who you love to give books as gifts, I really recommend any of these, and the others that I haven’t mentioned here.

And if you want to, you can find more info about him, his art and his books on his website and on Facebook.

(and if you have read all of them, which is YOUR  favorite?)

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And the winner is….

Before I announce the Winner of the Literary Blog Hop, I would like to say thank you to all of you who visited, commented, followed and liked. It has been awesome to read your comments, your book recommendations, which will be duly noted into a list and to discover new book blogs around the blogosphere.

So without further ado… The Winner of this Literary Blog Hop is Judith!   None other than our very own Hostess of The Blog Hop itself! It does somehow seem rather apt that you should win.

Judith, a copy of Karma Suture will be winging it’s way to you soon.

Congratulations and thanks for hopping! Here’s to the next time…

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Review – Shades by Marguerite Poland

I received a review copy of Shades from Penguin Sa and when I was asked if I would like to read it, I was a little apprehensive as I am not really a fan of political fiction but, I also wanted to get out of my comfort zone regarding the books I had been reading. So, I put my apprehension to one side and said yes, please.

And Thankfully I did, this novel is extraordinary!

Set in the early 1900’s ‘against a backdrop of drought, the rinderpest pandemic, the South African War, the burgeoning gold-mining industry and the complex birth of the exploitative system of recruiting migrant labour’ it is the story of one family growing up in a mission in a small town in the Eastern Cape.

‘Shades’ is the perfect name for this beautiful and richly interwoven story. At heart a love story, Marguerite has a stunning way with words as she draws you in to each characters life, and all through the novel you are kept thinking of how very different life was back then. Especially regarding relationships. If you look at relationships in this day and age, there does not seem to be the same relevance placed on marriage and the communion of two people. Also, that if one had ‘relations’ outside of marriage, the amount of guilt which is heavy on the heart is a tad less now than then.

‘Shades’ is more than a love story, it crosses the border of color. It challenges ones thinking and beliefs and especially as we are now ‘The Rainbow Nation’ it allows us to see that there are Always people who are wise beyond words, and then there are those who are, sadly, not. People are People no matter what colour they are and in this novel, we are shown that, yet again.   – It reminds me of the Dr Seuss saying :

‘Shades’ combines two different faiths, Christianity and the Amaxhosa, and shows that they can Both be utilized together. That there does not need to be a line between faiths. God is God after all, no matter what colour, shape, size you are or belief you hold. But yet, it contrasts the vivid differences between the cultures and how, ultimately, they can work side by side.

‘Shades’ is about family. And how each person does need to eventually stand on their own two feet, and make their own decisions and not just allow the dictation of a parental figure to make choices for them. It shows strength and love and heartache and poor choices and standing up for ones truth.

This was a truly exceptional novel. I thoroughly enjoyed it, even though it took me a lot longer to read than usual. I think it was because it was such a rich book, and also that it required solid reading -no skipping pages-and of course the ever present lack of time. But so much so did I enjoy it that I went to the library yesterday to find another of her novels, which I did (Recessional for Grace) which I have been told, by an avid Poland fan, it is one of her best though we shall have to see about that, as this is by far one of the best books I have read in a while!

One last thing, at the end of the book, I was in tears! Lump in my throat, tears streaming down my cheeks, type of tears. beautiful, unexpected, inspiring, sad but  just such a joy to read. I was left with an ache in my reading soul when I had finished it. You know the feeling when you have finished a really good book and you don’t know what to read from there? Yip, thats what I had for a good couple of days after I had finished, I was loath to let the characters go.

Read it, do, you will not be disappointed!



Did you know?


(and do let us know your thoughts in the comments section)



London and New York – Pearson and Bertelsmann today announce an agreement to create the world’s leading consumer publishing organisation by combining Penguin and Random House.

The combination brings together two of the world’s leading English language publishers, with highly complementary skills and strengths. Random House is the leading English language publisher in the US and the UK, while Penguin is the world’s most famous publishing brand and has a strong presence in fast-growing developing markets. Both companies have a long history of publishing excellence, and both have been pioneers in the dramatic industry transformation towards digital publishing and bookselling….

…The two companies believe that the combination will create a highly successful new organisation, both creatively and commercially, with the breadth and investment capacity to deliver significant benefits. Readers will have access to a wider and more diverse range of frontlist and backlist content in multiple print and digital formats. Authors will gain a greater depth and breadth of service, from traditional frontlist publishing to innovative self-publishing, on a global basis. Employees of the new organisation will be part of the world’s first truly global consumer publishing company, committed to sustained editorial excellence and long-term investment in a rich diversity of content. And shareholders will benefit from participating in the consolidation of the consumer publishing industry without having to deploy additional capital.

The combination is subject to customary regulatory and other approvals, including merger control clearances, and is expected to complete in the second half of 2013.

…Marjorie Scardino, chief executive of Pearson, said: “Penguin is a successful, highly-respected and much-loved part of Pearson. This combination with Random House – a company with an almost perfect match of Penguin’s culture, standards and commitment to publishing excellence – will greatly enhance its fortunes and its opportunities. Together, the two publishers will be able to share a large part of their costs, to invest more for their author and reader constituencies and to be more adventurous in trying new models in this exciting, fast-moving world of digital books and digital readers.“

Thomas Rabe, chairman and CEO of Bertelsmann, said: “With this planned combination, Bertelsmann and Pearson create the best course for new growth for our world-renowned trade-book publishers, to enable them to publish even more effectively across traditional and emerging formats and distribution channels. It will build on our publishing tradition, offering an extraordinary diversity of publishing opportunities for authors, agents, booksellers, and readers, together with unequalled support and resources.”

John Makinson, Chairman and CEO of Penguin, said: “All of us who work in book publishing experience every day the breathtaking pace of change in our industry. The partnership that we are announcing today will position Penguin Random House at the forefront of that change. Our access to investment resources will allow us to take risks with new authors, to defend our creative and editorial independence, to publish the broadest range of books on the planet, and to do it all with the attention to quality that has always characterised both our great companies.”

Markus Dohle, Chairman & CEO of Random House, adds: “Our new company will bring together the publishing expertise, experience, and skill sets of two of the world’s most successful, enduring trade book publishers. In doing so, we will create a publishing home that gives employees, authors, agents, and booksellers access to unprecedented resources. I deeply believe that the support and services that we will be able to offer, coupled with the creative and editorial independence that we will continue to maintain, will benefit everyone in the book publishing environment, especially our passionate readers from today’s generation to the next.” 


So what do you think?  Do you think its a good move for the two publishing houses to join forces? I think that if they really are aiming to stay in the forefront of publishing by working together, awesome things could happen in regards the changing way in which we, as readers, read but staying true to the original paper format of books. Though, I guess, only time will tell how the partnership will proceed.

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