Welcome to the scheduled stop on the The Legacy Book Tour!

One man obsessed with power.
One woman prepared to sacrifice everything to stop him.
One war that changed the world.
“World War Three lasted twelve days. Twelve days was all it took for mankind to devastate the planet and almost eradicate the human race. No victor emerged from the ashes and billions lost their lives.
We survivors lived through the bleakest of winters. A primal existence became the new order, and the little that remained of our humanity hung in the balance.
Then one man stood up and changed the world. I believed, as did everyone else, that he was the hero of our time, the man who had saved us from our own demise. His name is Eric Dane and he is the President of the New United States of America.
He is also my husband, and my greatest enemy.
I grew up oblivious to the truth, until my father found me when I was nineteen years old. He told me about the many horrifying facts that our new leader kept hidden from us. And he told me that beyond the borders the Resistance grew and fought for freedom from the oppression that Eric Dane had imposed on us.
My name is Rebecca Davis. I am twenty-six years old, and in me the Resistance has found the ultimate weapon.”
A narrative of good and evil, love and passion, right and wrong – and at the centre of the story a strong woman who is prepared to sacrifice everything for the cause she believes in.
The Legacy is an action-packed, adrenalin-inducing thrill ride which will leave you riveted long after you have turned the last page.
I enjoyed this book! It was an interesting concept which, in so far as I know, has not been done before in quite this way. The main characters are well put together and the writing pulls you along urging you to find out more about them, and the situation. There are some small twists which I didn’t see coming and thought that to add that element into the theme of a ‘strong woman’ was great. The ending was very moreish as it left you feeling curious as to what actually happened, was it all just a lie or is the truth in the madness? I guess I am going to have to read the second one to find out!
Here is an excerpt to tickle those reading tastebuds:
EXCERPT – The Legacy by Melissa Delport
Chapter 27
“What’s a nymph?” I ask suddenly, eliciting another deep chuckle. I glance across at him but his eyes are closed.
“A nymph, Tiny, is a sexy nature spirit who gets up to no good.”
“Aah.” I nod wisely. “Known a few of those in your time, no doubt.”
“Shut up,” he replies. “The only small, sexy thing I need to be worrying about right now is you. There will be plenty of time for nymphs later.”
“What, like when we’ve rescued Aidan, stolen an army, assassinated the President and basically saved the world?”
“Yeah,” he nods confidently, opening his eyes and meeting my gaze, “then.”
Much later, my neck and back are stiff and I sit up, pulling my sweatshirt tighter around myself.
Reed sits up too, rubbing his neck.
“You know what I worry about?” I ask, although I’m not sure why I feel the need to unburden myself to him. Maybe it’s because he’s here, maybe it’s because he’s helping me for reasons unbeknown to me; maybe it’s because at this moment he’s the closest thing I have to a friend.
“What, Tiny?”
When I answer my voice is small, uncertain.
“I worry that I won’t be able to save him.” Tears prick at my eyes and I blink them away.
“What will happen if you don’t?” he asks. This is one thing I like about Reed, he allows me to explore all options, and he doesn’t always feel the need to protect me from the worst case scenario.
“I don’t know.”
“Yes, you do. You know,” he presses.
“I think I’ll die.” The words escape me before I can even think about them, but once out I know they are true. How will I carry on without Aidan? I cannot comprehend a world in which he doesn’t exist.
“No, you won’t, Rebecca.” His voice is strong and sure.
“How do you know?”
“Because I do; I know. And so do you.”
“Why won’t I?” I ask.
“You tell me.” He looks me in the eye and lifts my chin with his thumb and index finger.
“Alex,” I answer, swallowing my misgivings and straightening my back, meeting his gaze.
“That’s right,” he nods. “You’ll live for Alex. You’ll fight for Alex. You’ll win, for Alex.”
“Why are you here?” I ask a short while later, as we make our way back to the camp.
“Me?” He looks uncomfortable.
“Yes, Reed.” I stop and face him, emphasising each word. “Why – are – you – here?”
“I’m here to help. I believe in the Resistance and I want to make a difference.” This is yet another version of his generic answer to this question.
“I believe you,” I say. “But you just don’t strike me as the type who would go out of his way to help people he doesn’t know, no offence.”
“None taken.” He looks back the way we have come and then towards the camp as though hoping something will happen that might mean he doesn’t have to answer.
He sighs and then looks down at me, narrowing his eyes.
“Geez, okay, you win.” He runs his hand through his hair and then starts talking, not pausing for breath, as though it is easier to simply get it all out.
“You asked me where I got my abilities. I got them the same place you did. I got them from your father.”
You can check out the book trailer here: http://youtu.be/RxBMGRFePhk ( I have to admit to really enjoying book trailers at the moment!)
To buy the book:
eBook links:
Amazon.com – HERE
Amazon.co.uk – HERE
Barnes & Noble – HERE
Kobo – HERE
Kalahari.com – HERE
The Legacy is available at most bookshops in South Africa, or you can order it online:
Kalahari.com – HERE
Takealot.com – HERE
Loot.co.za – HERE
Wife and mother of 3, Melissa Delport is the author of The Legacy Trilogy and the stand-alone self-published e.books Rainfall and The Traveler. She graduated from the University of South Africa with a Bachelor’s Degree in English in 2000. At the age of twenty-four Melissa started a logistics company (Transmax) from the spare room of her flat and built it up to two fully operational depots in Durban and Johannesburg. Now, 10 years later, she has sold her business in order to write full time. Melissa lives with her husband and three children in Hillcrest, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.
The Legacy (book 1 of The Legacy Trilogy) and The Legion (book 2) are available now and the final book, The Legend, will be released early 2015. An avid reader herself, Melissa finally decided to stop ‘watching from the sidelines’ and to do what is her passion.
“I was driving home from work when inspiration struck, and a storyline started unravelling in my head. For a few days it was all I could think about and eventually I realised that the only way to get it out of my head, was to put it all down on paper. I started writing, and that was that.”
I Love that Melissa is a South African author who is not writing about apartheid and other South Africanisms, I think her series puts her in league with the likes of The Hunger Games and Divergent.
The only things I didn’t really enjoy about her book was, and this is just my opinion, is that it was a little bit too quick, just as you got used to something, choops, it changed! Not that its a bad thing as it allows the fast paced story to pull you in, but I wouldn’t of minded just a little bit of a go slow at times.
Blog: www.melissadelport.com
The Legacy Trilogy Website: www.thelegacytrilogy.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/TheMelissaDelportBookClub
Goodreads: www.goodreads.com/MelissaDelport
Twitter: www.twitter.com/MelissaDelport
Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/MelissaDelport
Publisher’s website: www.traceymcdonaldpublishers.com
Twitter Hashtag for the book blog tour: #TheLegacyBlogTour