Musings of a South African Bookworm

sharing my love of books with a special focus on SA literature

New book release

-her-fearful-symmetry-novel-audrey-niffeneggerI am so excited!

There is a new book out by Audrey Niffeneger called ‘Her Fearful Symmetry’ which after having read some reviews, sounds like a brilliant book and I cant wait to read it. I also loved ‘The Time Travelers Wife’ so no wonder that I am looking forward to her next novel and by the sounds of things, it is just as interesting as her last book.

The description as written by Kalahari:

Julia and Valentina Poole, normal American teenagers who happen to be mirror twins and have no interest in college or jobs or possibly anything outside their cozy suburban home. But everything changes when an aunt they didn’t even know existed dies and leaves them her flat in a block overlooking Highgate Cemetry in London. They feel at last their own lives can begin….but have no ideal that they’ve been summoned into a tangle of fraying lives, from the obsessive compulsive crossword setter to their aunt’s mysterious elusive lover, and even to their aunt herself, who never got over her estrangement from the twins’ mother – and who can’t even seem to quite leave her flat.

It is available in hardback through Kalahari so if you’re tempted, don’t hesitate, go shopping!

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