Musings of a South African Bookworm

sharing my love of books with a special focus on SA literature

451 Challenge

on December 13, 2009

OK, so I don’t know about you but I love finding books to read.

451 Fridays

I especially love finding good books to read and what better place to look than at the 451 Challenge. This challenge consists of a master list of books which has been taken from all the participants of 451 Fridays, over at As usual, I need more bookshelves.

Between January 1, 2010 and November 30, 2010, participants are challenged to read books on the 451 master list. There will be several levels of participation:

Spark – read 1-2 books from the master list
Ember – read 3-4 books from the master list
Flame – read 5-6 books from the master list
Blaze – read 7 or more books from the master list

If you are interested, you can sign up on the dedicated blog for the challenge.

I’m going for Blaze which is 7 books or more and they are…drum roll please…

1)  Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance – Robert M Pirsig. (I have read half this book, but just have never finished the other half) Now is as good a time as any!

2)  Black Beauty – Anna Sewell

3)  Farenheit 451 – Ray Bradbury (I think its only fair that if I am partaking in a challenge based on his book, it is only fair that I read the book, though I am quite intruiged to read it)

4)  We need to talk about Kevin – Lionel Shriver

5)  A Christmas Carol – Charles Dickens

6)  A Thousand Splendid Suns – Khaled Hosseini

7)  Silence – Shusako Endo

So, does anyone else fancy taking up the challenge? Let us know, and we can chat about what we are reading.

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4 Responses to “451 Challenge”

  1. Elizabeth says:

    Looks like a good list – I thought it was hard to choose, we have so many good ones! I’ll look forward to your thoughts on these books. =)

  2. liquid pixel says:

    Great idea – I’ve read 3 on your list, so will be interested to see what you think of them!

  3. Keep your eyes peeled here in the new year, Jo, I will post reviews as and when I have read them:-)

  4. […] The second one I joined was the 451 Friday reading challenge, and you can read my post about it  here. […]

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