Musings of a South African Bookworm

sharing my love of books with a special focus on SA literature

Has anyone seen my missing mojo?

on January 28, 2010


I seem to be experiencing a severe case of ‘missing reading mojo’.

How should I embark on getting it back?

I’ve gone from devouring a book in a couple of days, to not having devoured one since the beginning of December.  Nothing seems to grab my attention and keep me captivated.

I’ve tried chick-lit, murder mystery, christian, psychological thriller, humour, self-help and even a classic.

Nada, niks.

Suggestions anyone?

Posted by timeout

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3 Responses to “Has anyone seen my missing mojo?”

  1. Major bummer! Have you tried a graphic novel? I’ve just recently gotten into them and really enjoy it. They are quick and easy to read and it can be a nice change from a “regular” book. I don’t mean comics or manga, but a good graphic novel. I recommend Aya by Abouet (teen age girls in Ivory Coast).

    My other recommendation is to walk away from books for a few days so you don’t feel pressured. Watch a good movie or TV show.

    Hope you get your mojo back soon!

  2. Pamela says:

    I would also suggest walk away.

    Either that or non-fiction? Maybe a biography or something.

  3. liquid pixel says:

    Movies work for me too. Weirdly enough, so does revisiting old favourites – reading books I love again. I think the fact that I know the stories so well is undemanding on my brain.

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